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Cross' POV

I've known Epic for a looooong time. He'd never betray me. He'll always be there for me. That's why when I saw him in the bathroom with Killer. I was at lost for words. What shocked me more is that he glared at me. He looked like he'd been crying. I think it's just my imagination, but I think Killer was holding his hand... I don't know why... But the thought of that really angers me... Did they brainwash him or something??? I swear to god if they did I'm gonna-

The voice of my boyfriend snapped me out of my thoughts. His voice was shockingly loud. He looked angry for a second then his face shifted into a concerned look.

"Are you okay? Were you listening to what we were saying?"

"I'm sorry, Dream, I'm just so... Tired I gues..."

He put his hand on my shoulder.

"You should go get some rest. We'll find a way to get to him... And find out whatever they did and what they plan on doing, okay?" He then kissed my cheeck.

"Everything will be okay."
He told me. His aura was very comforting and his presence alone can make me feel better. I guess thats why I was willing to betray my only friends and sister just to be with him. Don't blame me. Love makes you do stupid things.

I went to my room and lied on the bed. Sometimes I regret leaving. When I was broken down and lost the gang was there and helped me. They didn't tell me a bunch of bs like

'Everything will be fine.'


'It's okay.'

Everyone says that. And, in my case, it never really helps. And they understood that. They were honest. They told me

'No matter what happens, we'll be here.'

'We can't change the past. But we can be there for eachother, we promise.'

And theh never broke those promises. They never left me to face my problems alone.

And then there's my sister...
Sure, she can be terrifying and annoying sometimes but really, she's cool.

I didn't realise I was crying until this point. They were like family to me. Even if me and Error never really got along. And I have the audacity to betray them... Doesn't matter. I'm with Dream now. What I did was my choice. There's no looking back. I wipe my tears and close my eyes.

And, on time, Dream opens the door to my room. "Hey, Cross, you asleep?" He asks. Hi voice low and soft. "No, not yet." I said turning to him. "Well... I just wanted to tell you that Blue went back to his AU so me and Ink will be planning some things. Okay? You can rest there, unless you want to help." I nod. "I'm pretty tired... I'll just stay here." He nods. "Goodnight, love." He whispers. I chuckle. He's so cute.


I shot up, panting. I just had a horrible nightmare. Oh my lord... Wait... What was I again? I forgot. But my head hurts like hell... I'll just go get a glass of water. I get up from the bed and slightly open the door. It's pretty late, so the others could be asleep. I peek my head through the door.

Why are the living room lights on? Maybe they forgot to turn it off? I dunno. I groggily walk to the living room. My head still hurting. My eyes sting a little bit from the light but I ignore it. Some faint noises are coming from the living room. Is that... Laughter? I'm probably just hearing stuff... As I finally arrive at the living room, I see a sight to behold.

Dream was sitting on the couch, holding a peice of paper on both hands, lauging. And Ink was... Kissing his cheeck.


Have a nice day~!

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now