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Do ya'll want fluff? Or should I stick wid da angst n drama?

Epic's POV

It's been a while since I woke up and Amy showed me that poem. She seems normal at times but sometimes she just seems really weird. And not weird, like random weird, or aything, that's her actual personality. Instead she's been acting kinda sus. As if she's hiding something. And that poem too. It's kinda metaphorical. Which is something I wouldn't expect Amy to actually be able to write. Guess I shouldn't underestimate her.

I stand up and walk toward the light switch. I turn the lights off and lay down on my bed. I close my eyes. But I can't seem to sleep. Damnit. I'll just wait 'til I'm actually tired and try to sleep again.

4 hours later

My eyelids finally start drooping and I let out a quiet yawn. I close my eyes, this time, I succesfully sleep.

(Wish it was that easy irl.)

In his Dream

I was in an empty white space.
What the hell??
Where am I?
What kind of dream is this?

I look around. But stop when my pinpricks land on the little brown house I was just in yesterday. I glare at it. Why is my dream taking place here???

What I didn't expect was an angry person- no- skeleton, to burst through the door and angrily stomp out.

'Cross?' I thought.
Why does he look angry?

Behind him is a very familiar yellow idiotic skeleton. He seems to be chasing after Cross. He looks sad, shocked, and a little angry. What happened?

"Cross! Wait! I can explain!"
What the hell? Explain what? What happened? Can they see me?

Cross angrily turned around and yelled "Explain what? I've already seen enough, Dream." He spat. His voice containing anger, and spite. Was he crying? What the hell happened???

"Please! It wasn't what it looked like!" Ok what the heck?

"What the hell ha-?" I slap my hand over ny mouth. No sound came out of my mouth when I tried to yell. What the hell is happening? Is this my dream or something...? This is ridiculous.

"Save your excuses!"
Cross yelled.

"They were right. Every terrible thing the said about you. All those words. They were all true! You are careless, selfish, you aren't a good person like you think you are! And I can't believe I had to realize that the hard way instead of just listening to my family!"

Dream looked stunned.
My mouth kinda twicthed upward at this. They're fighting. And he just admitted that he's wrong. It would take a miracle to make Cross Sans admit that he was in the wrong. This dream is amusing...

There was silence for a bit. Before Cross turned back and spat out 3 words... "We. Are. DONE." He ran, probably away from the anti-teleportation sheild's range and then teleported away. Dream looked dissapointed at himself. But everything started fading to black. Was I waking up?

Real world

I woke up breathing heavily. Wait, I remember everything that happened in my dream? I usually forget everything that happened the second I woke up. It was a weird dream. Did that actually happen? No, I can't dream about the future. Wait, can I? I should tell the others when they wake up...

Ik its kinda short, I'm sorry.

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now