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This story kinda feels rushed.
Am I rushing it?

Damn you Writer's Block.

I turned around and saw the mystery person.

And it wasn't who I expected it to be...

"Killer? What are you doing here?" I ask the said skeleton.

"Kinda just came to check on you. I tried to teleport to you but then I got teleported outside this house and I figured that you would be here." He told me.

"Wait, did they see you?"
I ask.

He shakes his head.
"No and I'm glad. Then I saw the bathroom door open and I went here and saw you. It was kinda risky." He looked at me with a concerned expression.

"Do I have something on my face?" I ask. I put my hands to my face and feel the tear-stains.
I quickly wipe them and sheepishly smile at him.

His face gets even more concerned. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." I told him.

"We've all used that excuse.
If you don't wanna talk about it, thats fine. I understand."

He continued, "But I promise you, it'll feel better if you just let it out." He assures me.

I just look away.

"Epic, I know you think you might be wasting my time if you tell me. You might think that I already have alot on my plate. But, I'm willing to listen to you. And you're not wasting my time.
Just please, tell me what's wrong."

"You already know what's wrong." I mutter.

"It's Cross isn't it?" He asked.


3rd Person POV

Epic nods. Killer sighs.

What happens next is unexpected.

Killer hugs Epic.

Epic tells Killer everything while crying.

(This is the point where I ran out of ideas.)

They stay there for a few minutes when Epic told Killer they[Star Sanses] might get suspicious if he stays here for long. So Epic wipes his tears and thanks Killer for listening. Admittedly, he felt better. So, Killer tried to teleport out.

"What the..." Killer muttered. Loud enough for Epic to hear.

"What?" He asks.

"I can't teleport out."
Killer says, clearly frustrated.

Epic then realised,
"Just like you couldn't directly teleport in! They put an anti-teleportation sheild too!"

Both of them groaned.

Then, they looked strangely at eachother. Then they laughed.

"That means you have to sneak out.." Epic told Killer. Killer nods.

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'll think of something."

Epic's thinking was interupted by the door.

"Epic, you okay? You've been there for a few hours and Cross is getting worried-"
I hear a certain yellow skeleton ask me. He cuts himself off as he sees the company I'm with.

"(YEET)." I mutter.

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now