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Changed de cover BTW.

"So you're telling me... That you probably dreamed about something the happened to Cross?" Night asks me. I hum in response.

We were all in the meeting room. I told them that I had the dream last night. But I didn't tell them what happened. Yet.

"And you're sure it happened?"

"Not entirely, its just a guess. But, it felt like I was there. I was actually there, but they just couldn't see nor hear me."

"And you remember this clearly?" This time, Amy asks me. I nod.

"Crystal clear." I add.

"Am I the only one that forgets what I dreamt about the moment I wake up???" She asked no one in particular.

"Wait, how are you sure it happened right after you woke up?" Killer asked me.

"I'm not sure. Its just a feeling."

Shiro raised her hand to talk, like a normal person.


"It's called precognitive dreaming, it's when you dream about something that happens after you wake up. Epic basically saw the future in his dream."

We all looked at her with faces that said 'how do you know that?'. Her eyebrows knitted in confusion before realising "I lucid dream alot and I research about it... Don't judge me."
(Fun fact: She actually does lucid dream irl.)

Night returns it to the actual subject and asked me "So... What happened in this dream?"

"Well, it was at the brown house-hideout we were in yesterday. After a few seconds Cross stormed out with Dream after him and they kinda argued. Something must've happened that made Cross upset. I don't know what though... But they broke up." I too them.

When I finished talking Amy scoffed. "Moron must've cheated oh Cross." I nodded at her "I figured..."

"So... What're we gonna do?" Dust asked. I, along with some others, just shrugged.

"I'm gonna think of something... You all get out and do whatever you want while I do that..." We all nodded, got up and walked out of the meeting room.

I Wish I Were........ (Cross Sans x Epic Sans)Where stories live. Discover now