Chapter 1

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Jirou POV:

I walk through the gates of UA for the first time and didn't hesitate to step inside the building. I got to the classroom and as opened the door I was greeted by shouting, chatting and altogether a lot of noise. My ears would hurt like hell if I felt anything internally or externally.

I walked passed all the other students and began walking to my seat. A boy with dirty blonde hair smiled and waved as I walked passed but I completely ignored him and sat down in my seat. I pulled out my phone and plugged my earphone jacks in, listening to a song by Cavetown called Telescope. Laying my head on my arms that were crossed on the table I waited for class to start.

Around two minutes later a giant yellow caterpillar with a human face walked in and told everyone to sit down.

"I'm Mr. Aizawa, and I'm your homeroom teacher." He introduced himself in a tired voice. "Principle Nezu has forced me to do some icebreakers with you so everybody sit in a circle and figure something out to 'break the ice', I'll be asleep if you need me. Only wake me up if somebody's dead."

He the lay down facing the wall and soon we could hear his soft snores breaking the silence of the room.

"Let's get this shit over and done with." I mumbled, standing up from my chair and sitting on the ground. After seeing me sit down everybody seemed to break out of their trance and hurry to sit down too. After a minute or so we were all sat down in a circle and were about to choose what we should do first.

"Let's go around the circle saying our names and say something about ourselves." A tall girl with a spiky black ponytail suggests. "I'll go first. My name is Momo Yaoyorozu and my quirk is that I can create anything as long as I know what it's made up of." She explains. It keeps going on like that, people explaining their quirk and maybe a personal detail about themselves until it's my turn.

"My name is Kyoka Jirou, my quirk is called earphone jack. I can amplify my heartbeat, plug them into inanimate objects and blow it up and I also have very sensitive hearing. Nobody can call me Kyoka." I say.

Everybody looks at me as if they wanted me to continue.

"What?" I say in the same monotone voice, my expression not changing in the slightest.

"Don't you have a fact about yourself?" The invisible girl, Toru, says.

"I already said you couldn't call me Kyoka." I explain.

"O-oh." She says awkwardly.

After a few moments of silence we move onto the next person in the circle who was a guy named Sero. We finished and as they sat there chatting I stood up and headed to my desk, continuing to listen to music. Everyone looked at me as I abruptly stood up but soon went back to chatting as they realised they weren't getting an explanation.

Isat listening to music for the rest of the first session before the bell rang. I headed to the fountain immediately after grabbing my food. I once again started listening to music whilst eating. As I was about to take a bite of my sandwich I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around to see Yaoyorozu standing there.

"Hey, do you mind if I sit here?" She asked.

"Yes but you can sit here anyways if you want." I replied, my voice level. She seemed a little taken aback by my answer but sat down in front of me none the less. Getting out her lunchbox she also got out her phone and started scrolling through some sort of social media. She must of gotten the gist that I didn't want to make any sort of conversation. We sat there for a few minutes until the bell for the end of lunch rang and we both got up to leave for All Might's class.

"I am here!" All Might bellowed as he landed in the fake city superman style. "As you know I am All Might and I shall be your teacher for this class! Go get the hero costumes you designed and put them on cause today we'll be doing a mini tournament to assess exactly what I'm dealing with here!" He laughed for no reason.

We all got changed and All Might explained how the tournament would be working and who would be up against each other first. He called out the pairs but I wasn't paying attention. It didn't matter who I was up against so why bother. That's how I saw it at least.

As All Might finished calling out the names stomach laser boy made his way over to me so I was left to assume I was going up against him. I forgot half of the names I learned so I would just try and avoid calling him anything.

The small half-grape half-human child made his way onto the platform along with the guy that tried to introduce himself to me earlier.

"Alright boys! You know the rules, if your opponents knocked out of the ring or immobilized then you win. No murder and no attacking your opponent after they've lost." All Might explained. A few people cracked up when he said no murder in such a normal voice, Me and Grapey were not one of them. Grapey looked like he was about to wet his pants (if he hadn't already) and I was just the same as always.

"And... Begin!"

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