Chapter 5

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Jirou POV:

5:00. My shift had just ended at the convenience store and I was about to leave. The sun had started to come up, just barely. I sighed. Throughout all 9 hours of my shift all I could think about were their questions and their expressions when they got answers. That wasn't all I had on my mind though, I felt angry. I felt.

I felt so many things. Regret. Sadness. Annoyance. Anger.

And the thing I felt most of all was dread of going to school today. I picked up my things and headed for the door as my coworker entered right on time. She had given up on trying to greet me a long time ago and simply walked by me. I wish my classmates could be like that. 

I started walking down the path towards my father and I's shared apartment to change into my uniform. It had been 2 months since I had slept for more then 45 minutes and I felt another thing, the need to collapse and just sleep for once. I kept walking, ignoring all of my feelings including that.

I reached our apartment after a few minutes of walking and pulled out the keys with shaky hands. I entered and let out a relieved sigh as I saw my father passed out on the couch. I remember all too well the last time I had accidentally woken him up to a nasty hangover.

. . . . . . . . . .

I opened the door and saw my father on the couch next to a fuck ton of beer bottles.

I better get up to my room before he wakes up, at least then I won't be his first target.

I tiptoe up onto the first step and go to put my other foot on the second when I heard a loud creaking noise coming from underneath my foot. I turned around, worried that my father might be awake but he was still asleep on the couch letting out soft snores. I let out the breath I had been holding in but immediately regretted it when his nose twitched before his eyes flew open and he clutched his head in his hands. 

He looked up and his eyes landed on me. "Shit." I mumbled as our eyes met. 

"Did you- DID YOU JUST FUCKING SAY TO ME THAT I LOOK LIKE SHIT?! I'LL FUCKING TEACH YOU A LESSON AND IF YOU CAN STILL FUCKING WALK WHEN I'M DONE WITH YOU YOU BETTER GET ME SOME MORE FUCKING BEER OR ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" no point denying that I had called him shit, he would've beaten me up either way so it didn't matter. He got up and stumbled towards me with a scowl on his face. As he got in punching range he drew back his fist and hit me so hard I fell to the floor. He stood over me, his eyes basically on fire themselves with the burning hatred in his gaze.

"Can't even take one hit? What are they teaching you at that shitty old hero school, how to be fucking weak?!" He yelled at me, not as loud as normal but the amount of malice in his voice more then made up for that. 

"I'm s-sorry sir. I-I'm just w-weak I guess." I stuttered out. I found it hard to speak with blood pouring out of my mouth like a waterfall. 

He looked at me with disdain and hate. "You sure as fuck are weak, I know that for sure."

He punched me again. And again. And again. And again. He punched me over and over until it was a wonder that I was still alive. "Next time you wake me up I'll use a knife."

. . . . . . . . . .

I shivered as the flashback ended and I was returned to the real world. I walked passed him as quietly as possible and steeped as lightly as I could on the steps, now wary because of my past mistake. I got to the top of the stairs and went into my room, not relaxing lest I fall asleep and only wake up next month. 

Time skip brought to you by Mineta's gravestone.

As I walked to school I tried to ignore the dread of being there and focused on the next best thing, pain. My leg was throbbing from where I cut it a bit too deep and the bruise on my cheek decided to get bigger, so the pain did as well.

I hesitated at the gates for a moment before walking in. If they questioned me or talked to me at all, I would simply ignore them. Easy.

I was met with silence when I opened the door and glued my eyes to the ground whilst I headed towards my seat. I could feel all their gazes on me and realized that the group that found out must have told everyone in the class. Iida was the first one to speak up.

"You shouldn't have to deal with that alone, Jirou, you can report him to the police and move on with your life." 

"Yeah Headphones, life won't be so hard if you get rid of your dipshit father." Kirishima wacked Bakugo's arm for making such an insensitive comment but I ignored it all. I simply looked forward and waited for Mr. Aizawa to enter and start the class. 

Momo spoke after another moment of silence. "We won't hesitate to tell the principal if you don't do it yourself. What your father is doing is a crime and as heroes we can't let any crime go unpunished." I didn't know what to say to that. If they took away my father then all I would have is my sister who's barely floating above the surface of the ocean of bills and finances she's swimming in.

My sister had always been there for me but when she turned 18 and moved out without me, I was left all alone to deal with my father's abuse. She had no idea about it of course, otherwise she would've taken me with her even if she was already struggling with bills. I knew this and didn't tell her about my situation for that exact reason. I don't want to be a burden to my favourite person in the world.

Mr. Aizawa chose to walk in at that moment. "Everybody shuddup and get in your-" He stopped talking as he realised that we were already in our seats and weren't talking and knew something was up. "What's going on? Why are you all so... how do I put it... well behaved?" He questioned the class, looking around.

Everyone stared at me and I internally shouted at them to look away but sadly none of them got the message. Soon Aizawa realized where their gazes led and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"Do you know why Jirou?" 

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