Chapter 15

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Jirou POV: 

Yaomomo and I couldn't catch a break all day after that morning. As soon as we walked through the classroom door they started chanting Momojirou as loud as they could. The noise hurt my ears and I let out a whimper. I hate myself for that, ever since I started feeling things again I had also started reacting more vulnerably and to say I dislike it would be an understatement.

Yaomomo must have heard my whimper over the noise because she quickly made some fluffy earmuffs and put them over my ears. The class let out a simultaneous awww (that's what it looked like anyways) before Mr Aizawa told us to settle down for class to start. The class went on boringly for the rest of the period and I often found myself stealing glances at Yaomomo, she was working hard, ever the class vice president. I sighed dreamily which was a mistake because Denki looked over to see me staring at Yaomomo and wiggled his eyebrows at me, looking between me and Yaomomo.

I looked away determined to not let him see me blushing. Denki and I had actually started becoming friends and turns out he's actually a pretty decent guy. He sucks at gaming, he's really dumb, he whines wayyyyyy too much, but he actually has a pretty ok sense of humor, not that I'd ever tell him that. Denki and I are already pretty good friends, actually.

My blush calmed down and I fiddled with my pen, screwing and unscrewing the top of it while daydreaming about Yaomomo. I closed my eyes and smiled slightly as I tried to revisit the feeling of Yaomomo's arms around me and her chin on my head as her chest went in and out peacefully. She was stroking my hair, whispering words for only my ears. 

It was one of those moments where it feels like there are fireflies around you like a barrier that blocks you off from the rest of the world. It was one of those moments where it felt like cherry blossoms were falling around you like an umbrella shielding you from the rain. It was one of those moments... that could disappear instantly.

Kaminari was screaming. He had a knife imbedded in his stomach, thrown from the front of the classroom. Mr Aizawa was wreathing and thrashing, covered in blue flames, his body turning charred and black. I watched as Toru screamed and tried desperately to stop one of the villians from impaling Mina with a sword, and as the life drained from Mina's eyes. Toru cried, barely even resisting as she was murdered next. 

I saw as Bakugo was knocked out and Kirishima bending over him, his hardened back protecting Bakugo from oncoming attacks. I saw as Kirishima was impaled over and over and finally fell onto Bakugo, both being impaled at the same time. In his final moments, Kirishima kissed Bakugo's cheek and whispered something into his ear only him and I could hear. "I love you... my m-manly prince."  

Tokoyami's dark shadow had tripled in size and was attacking Tokoyami, ripping off his limbs while Tokoyami screamed at it to stop, but it didn't, and as Tokoyami let out one final scream, the dark smoke that made Dark Shadow triple in size moved onto it's next target. Dark shadow could only watch as Tokoyami's blood surrounded them and how it was all his fault.

The dark purple smoke enveloped Midoriya as it's next victim and produced his upper-body and his cut off scream from the ceiling, right onto Todoroki. Todoroki kissed him, anger and sadness in his expression with Midoriya's blood and tears dripping from him before standing up and facing me, ready to give me orders through his pain. He was cut off by a knife to his back and as his body fell all I could see was a lie. 

It was Yaomomo, holding the knife that had killed Todoroki.

My mouth was dry. My bones felt hollow. My head pounded with disbelief and anger and sadness and all these bad emptions that I was so new too. She smiled menacingly at me before rushing at me with the same knife she had used to kill Todoroki. As the tip of the knife sunk into my chest my moments with Yaomomo, my only ever happy moments, flashed before my eyes. 

When we went to my sister's funeral. It was a lie.

When we shared our first kiss. That was a lie too.

When she blushed and turned away when I complemented her. That was a lie.

When she cuddled me and stroked my head. That was a lie.

When she said she loved me.

They're all lies. She lied to me so easily. She never cared about my feelings, she never felt anything towards me. She's enjoying my pain. She probably had to stop herself from smiling when I came in all bruised up and battered from my father. My rage boiled up, before simmering down. I wasn't truly angry at her, I didn't really feel anything anymore actually, I was reverting back to how I was. My eyes closed in acceptance of my death and my expression was straight.

The last thing I saw was my classmates dying, crying and screaming. The last thing I felt was betrayal. The last thing I remembered was Yaoyorozu and how she had lied to me. I'm fine though. At least it'll end now.

Momo POV: 

I watched in horror as Toga transformed back into her true form. Kyo's body dropped in front of her and she turned around, meeting my eyes like she knew I was there. The message was clear: Toga had killed my love, Kyo had thought it was me, Kyo's last emotions were sadness, she had thought it was all a lie, and there was nothing I could do now. Kyo was gone.

Toga licked Kyo's blood off her knife and slowly made her way over to me. As she reached me her body twisted and changed into Kyo's. She smiled menacingly, Toga's smile on Kyo's body. Her hand reached under my chin and lifted up my chin, as Kyo once had, she wiped away my tears and leaned in closer, nibbling at my ear.

"You killed me Yaomomo... You killed me."

Those words crushed my soul. I didn't kill her, this wasn't Kyo speaking to me! But.. these were Kyo's thoughts, weren't they. 

"S-stop it!" I yelled crying, sobbing. "I didn't kill her! You killed he it was you!"

"But that's not what she thought was it?"  

I didn't reply. My eyes were puffy and I couldn't stop crying. That was what she thought. Kyo thought I'd killed her. In her last moments, she thought I didn't love her. I hate that. I hate that so much. 

"W- why would you do that to her... s- she went through so much and you just..." She's dead. My love is dead and she thinks I killed her. "STOP IT!" I killed her. There's no difference. I killed her. "STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT! I DIDN'T KILL HER! YOU DID! I- it wasn't me. IT WASN'T ME!" I killed her. She's dead and it's my fault. I killed her. All my fault.

I couldn't stop crying. I was breaking down. My heart beat against my chest like a jackhammer and my head throbbed with the pain of it all. 

"It's... all my fault."

I heard Toga pull out her knife and lick her lips. I felt the sharp sting of a knife cutting into my shoulder and getting deeper and deeper before she pulled it away. I couldn't even bring myself together enough to react. 

"You killed me Yaomomo. I can't believe you'd kill your true love."


I cried making this lmao. I hope you cried too because I enjoy bringing people pain😘 #JunkoEnoshimaMoment  Also expect a couple more chapters cause I'm gonna make an afterwards one.

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