Chapter 9

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Jirou POV:

I exited the hospital building alongside Yaomomo, having just been discharged. I had requested that she come with me to my sister's funeral, because honestly, I don't think I could attend without breaking down. She had happily agreed and I expressed my gratitude by giving her a small hug that made both of our cheeks turn red.

We were now on our way to look for what we would be wearing to the funeral at a fancy store that Yaomomo had suggested. As we arrived my eyes widened at the flashiness of the store. It had black and gold marble walls surrounding a giant sign saying the name of the store 'le clothing'  in giant gold letters. Yaomomo however seemed unbothered by it and didn't hesitate to lead me inside.

As soon as she opened the doors we were exposed to pristine suits and dresses that screamed expensive. I was used to wearing the same clothes over and over again so the concept of even touching such clothes seemed unreal. Yaomomo led me to the dresses section and asked if I saw one that caught my eye.

"Oh well um- I-" I brought my hand to the back of my neck and looked down as I tried to stutter out the words I wanted to say but was cut off by Yaomomo.

"It's more then fine if you'd prefer to wear a suit. I think you'd look quite charming in one!" She said, astonishing me with how understanding she was.

"Y-yes thanks." I smiled slightly feeling a blush rise to my cheeks.

We walked over to the suit section and browsed for a bit before a dark purple one caught my eye. The blazer and pants were a dark purple and the tie and button up beneath it were matte black. Yaomomo seemed to have seen that I was looking at it and asked if I liked that one. I nodded and we walked towards the manaking with the suit on, beckoning for one of the stores helpers to come over. 

"Has this one caught your eye?" A blonde-haired woman in a butler's suit.

I don't know wtf they're called so just pretend that's right.

I nodded in response and she went back to the front desk to pull out the fanciest measuring tape I've ever seen. 

time skip brought to you by my lazy ass that can't bother to describe her getting the suit measurements 

We were now going back to the dress section for one that Yaomomo might like. We browsed for a considerable amount of time and ended up with two black dresses that she was going to try on and see which one I liked more. I waited for a couple minutes or so on a fancy velvet chair before she stepped out in a beautiful long black dress. 

Just make the dress slightly longer and it's pretty much the same ig

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Just make the dress slightly longer and it's pretty much the same ig.

I sat there mouth agape at how good she looked. A small giggle from Yaomomo brought me back to the real world and I immediately blushed as I realised I had been staring. "I'm assuming you like it?" she let out another giggle.

"Like is an understatement."

We sat there for a second both blushing profusely as I realised I said that out loud. 

"Umm.. should I go and try on the other one or do you think go with this one?" Yaomomo said, breaking the silence. 

"N-no that one's perfect. U-unless you want to of course!" 

"No I trust your judgement." She smiled once more once more it brought warmth to my heart. 

We took the dress to the front desk and I immediately stilled when I heard the price for the suit and dress. I had planned on at least contributing to the bill but I couldn't possibly unless I wanted to go broke. Yaomomo's smile didn't even falter. She tapped her card on the machine and happily walked out holding the two clothing items in her hand and me in toe, still a little shocked at how she'd acted as if paying over 2 thousand dollar's for some clothes as if it were nothing.

"Y-you really didn't have to pay for those by yourself. At least let me pay you back some of it!" I exclaimed, only half aware that I'd barely be able to give her a 10th of what she'd paid. 

"No." Yaomomo said in a surprisingly stern voice. "You were just discharged from hospital, it's your sister's funeral and considering how spending this much money doesn't bother me then it's really nothing for you to worry about. As well as that I'd feel horrible for making you pay me money when I know that your current financial situation isn't the best." She explained with a sympathetic but very clear that she wasn't going to let me pay her back expression.

I sighed and gave up, nodding. We then moved on from that conversation as we headed to Yaomo- our house. I hadn't seen it yet but from how easily she spent large amounts of money I knew it would be some sort of mansion. I was right.

The car slowed to a stop but left the engine on and I looked up to see that we had momentarily stopped at a giant set of gates that led to a long path ending at the steps of a -like I thought it would- massive mansion. It was at least 20 times the size of my old apartment and was one of the most extravagant buildings I'd ever seen in real life. The gates opened and we slowly drove up the path towards it. It looked even better up close.

We stepped out of the car thanking the chauffer and pushed open the giant wooden double doors. Inside was even more magnificent then the outside, butlers and maids lined up against giant white walls. In the center of the entrance room was a giant white staircase with gold rails on both sides that seemed to shiny and perfect to hold onto. Yaomomo and I made our way up the staircase and she led me into a room with a giant bed in the middle of it. I flopped onto the bed and it was no joke- the most comfortable thing I had ever felt in my entire life.

I heard a laugh in the background that was no doubt Yaomomo but couldn't bring myself to move from a position this comfortable. I felt the bed sink down next to me as she sat on the bed. 

"My father already had some people bring in your stuff but there was only one suitcase. We can go shopping again tomorrow but for some normal clothes this time if you want?"

"That'd be nice." I said but a thought came to mind, "we can't stay too long though cause I still have my jobs."

"Oh yeah, about that.. some things from your old life are gonna have to change. You can't work until 5 in the morning, that's simply illogical. I took it into my hands to take you out of that job at the convenience store. You seemed to enjoy the other job at the cafe and I know I can't stop you from wanting to help pull your weight around here so you still have that job. That's final." I was about to argue before realising I was perfectly happy with those arrangements.

"Th- thanks Yaomomo. I really couldn't have asked for a better friend then you."

Yaomomo gulped as if she was scared of something and I raised an eyebrow but she avoided eye contact as she said something I could only make out because of my quirk.

"Would you still think I'm a good friend if I told you I liked girls?" 

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