Chapter 2

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Nobodys POV:

Kaminari immediately launched himself at Mineta. Mineta let out a small squeal before jumping out of the way just before Kaminari would've hit him. However Kaminari quickly turned midair and electrocuted Mineta before landing in a pile next to him. Kaminari quickly got up however Mineta did not. He lay there with X's for eyes and his tongue sticking out to the side. Kaminari kicked Mineta in the side watching as he let out a small yelp. "It's all good guys! He's alive! Though now that I think about it I'm not to sure it's a good thing..."

"And we have a winner! A message to all of you students yet to fight, please make it more interesting, this is my daily entertainment ya' know!" All Might let out a hearty laugh. A few students looked uncomfortable at the knowledge that All Might enjoyed seeing them get hurt but most overlooked it. 

Jirou's POV:

Stomach laser boy made his way onto the platform and struck a pose [insert ✨SPARKLES] and I followed him onto the stage. He shot a laser straight at me as soon as All Might told us to start. I sidestepped and started walking towards him at my normal pace. I sidestepped each and every one of his lasers until I got fairly close and he worried and shot a laser for more then a second. I kept advancing as he clutched his stomach before picking him up by his shirt and tossing him out of the ring easily. Everyone stood shocked as I calmly walked off the platform and joined my classmates. 

There was silence. I noticed I had caused silence among my classmates 3 times already and it's not even the end of the first day. Meh. 

"I- um we have a winner!" All Might announced in an unenthusiastic tone compared to the way he normally speaks. Slowly he walks over to stomach laser boy and picks him up bridal style before asking me to carry him to Recovery Girl's office.  

"I don't know where that is." I replied bluntly.

"Of course!" He said with a big smile before giving me the directions and turning back to the two next contestants. I dragged him by the back of the shirt through the halls until I reached my destination. I heard hushed voices from inside but thought nothing of it and entered with SL boy in tow. I took a few things in as I entered. No 1. Recovery girl was tied to a chair with duct tape across her mouth. No 2. There were 2 villians arguing with each other. No 3. 1 of the said villians had a gun and was pointing at it one of the patients.

"I'm telling you we should kill him right now!" The female holding the gun said. 

"For the last time, no! We'll get more money when we put him up for ransom! You can't just-" The other villian chose this time to notice my presence. "Well shit." He said.

The female turned around and pointed the gun at me once realising I was there. I dropped my hold on SL boys shirt and put my hands up. I shut the door, him on the other side and attacked. She shot the gun but I ducked, rolled and stood up right in front of her, punching the gun out of her hands and having it slide across the room. The male villian dived for it but I used my jacks to grab it and return it to my hands. I knocked him on the head with the butt of the gun as he dived for it in an attempt to get it back. He was unaffected. 

He ran at me again but, now knowing that his quirk had something to do with extra defense, I knew what to do. I ducked and rolled through his legs and jumped up on his back and wrapping my legs around his waist to stay on. He tried to throw me off but I wouldn't budge. I plugged my jacks into the sides of his head and projected my heartbeat through them. It wasn't enough to kill him but enough to knock him out and have his ears ringing for days.

The female jumped at me as soon as the male crumpled onto the floor in front of me. I gave her a right hook to the cheek causing her to spit out some blood before running at me again. I quickly plugged my jacks into my legs and projected my heartbeat at her as loud as possible. She collapsed onto the floor clutching her now bleeding ears. I started untying the unconscious Recovery Girl and used that roped to tie up the villians back to back. 

All Might burst in as soon as I finished tying up the villians. "Jirou are you-" He stopped talking as he took in the scene around him. 

"There you go." I said gesturing towards the villians tied up in the middle of the room. I opened the door to see the class standing there. Their eyes also took on a shocked expression at the view. I tried to walk through them but I was called back by All Might's loud voice. 

"What exactly happened here?" He asked in a serious voice. 

"I was gonna take stomach laser boy here to Recovery Girl but these two were here holding a gun at that patient over there." I gestured toward the blue haired boy lying down, asleep on one of the patient beds.

"You took these guys out all by yourself?" one of my classmates questioned with a faint hint of something in his voice. I nodded before walking away towards the area the platform was. "Where are you going?" another classmate asked. 

I turned around. "It's almost the end of the day. We should get going soon." A few people checked their watched to discover I was right. 

"SO YOU'RE JUST GONNA WALK AWAY FROM THAT WHEN YOU GOT TO BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF SOME GUYS AND DIDN'T LEAVE ANY FOR ME?!" A blonde with a permanently angry expression plastered across his face. 

I nodded and turned around to go to my locker as the bell rang. I heard what sounded like mini explosions coming from behind me and turned around again. The blonde was flying at me screaming "DIE!DIE!DIE!" at the top of his lungs. I punched him in the gut once he got close enough and left him sprawled out on the floor in front of me clutching his stomach. A pink alien girl, Mina, ran forward phone at the ready and started taking as many pics as possible. 

"I'll.. Kill.. You!" He said between breaths.

"Too late, I've already posted it on all my social media and sent it to everyone I know." She said with a smirk.

"Fuck you."

Ok so just so whoever's reading this knows (which is probably nobody), my updating schedule is probably gonna be at least 3 times a week at some time but I can't be too sure right now. Hope you guys enjoyed! From your humble ruler, Sock queen.

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