Chapter 12

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Ok so basically family issues, insomnia, school and that all kinda came a me at once and Im gonna use that as an excuse for why I wasnt writing this even though I was procrastinating the entire time. Anyways Im back now, enjoy this wholesome chapter ig. 

Kyoka POV:

I lay there in Yaomomo's arms feeling nothing but content. It had been a week or so since the funeral and me and her had gotten even closer though we still haven't told our classmates or Yaomomo's parents about our relationship.

I had just woken up and was enjoying Yaomomo's warmth until she woke up as well. I had woken up at around 5:00 so I didnt have to wake her up yet and I planned to make light of that. I snuggled into her even more. She let out a slight sigh of content in her sleep and her eyes fluttered open. 

"Good morning sleepyhead." I said smirking before lifting up her chin and planting a kiss on her lips.

"I love you so much" Yaomomo said with a sloppy grin and her eyes closed. The way she said it made heat rise to my face immediantly, so much so that I think it would be safe to assume I look like a tomato. 

"W- we should get up now babe."

"But I don't want toooooooo." Yaomomo sulked, hugging me even tighter. I blushed and hung my head as an idea popped into my head.

"H-how..." I sighed before continuing "HowaboutIcarryyouandwecanshowertogetherbutthenyouhavetopromisetoletgook?" I screwed my eyes shut and waited for her reply but as seconds went by and she didn't say anything I looked up to see her with the same expression  on her face alongside a light blush.

"That sounds nice."

Time skip cause im not gonna describe their shower together you perverts🙄

Momo POV: 

Both Jirou and I had blushes lightly painted across our faces after our shower together but I don't regret a thing. Jirou had so many self harm scars but they just showed her strength and ability to pull through. She wouldn't meet my eyes in the shower until I kissed her and things got a little... heated.

My face heated up even more from just thinking about it but I snapped out of it as Kyo started talking.

"So you ready to go?" She asked. I responded yes with a smile and we set off to school. I'd started walking to school regularly with Kyo instead of using one of our families many limos. It was nice to get a breath of fresh air and even nicer to hold hands with Kyoka. 

"Why are you smiling?" As the question registered in my brain I realised I had smiled without noticing it.

"Just thinking..."

...about you. She smiled too before turning her attention back to the path ahead. We walked in a comfortable silence, holding each others hands and looking at the beautiful trees and animals we passed by. 

We dropped each others hands as we reached the gates of UA and I immediately missed the warmth of her hand in mine. I shook the thought out of my head, we weren't out of the closet yet to everybody and we had both agreed that we'd tell them when we were both ready. 

Im so ready. I just really wanna hold her hand again :(

Kyoka POV: 

Oml I really want to hold Yaomomo's hand but... she might not be ready to come out yet and I have to respect that. I nodded my head as if to hype myself up about going to school. This was my first time back here since the the funeral as I got a few days off school to recover. 

"You ready to go inside Kyo?" 

"Yeah. I think I'm good. But... can I have a hug?" I asked.

She smiled and gave me a hug. "Nervous?"

"No, I just wanted a hug from you." I said with a mischievous grin on my face. Yaomomo blushed and turned away for a second before turning back to me.

As if we had communicated telepathically we both took a step forward and started walking through the UA gates. 

I pushed open the door of my classroom and was greeted by streamers and balloons. I jumped behind Yaomomo in surprise and peeked over her shoulder. Everybody in class 1A, even Mr Aizawa was grinning at me wearing party hats beneath a giant banner that said 'welcome back Jirou!'.

Mina and Todoroki smiled at each other before looking between me and Yaomomo and noticing why I immediately stepped away from yaomomo with a nervous cough. A silence followed.

"So... have you done the dirty yet?" Todoroki asked nonchalantly.

Yaomomo and I both blushed up to our ears and she made a metal pole to hit Todoroki with. I stood in the doorway stuttering while Yaomomo beet up her best friend.

"N-NO W-WHAT ARE YOU T-TALKING ABOUT TH-THATS RIDICULOUS. I HATE IT HERE." I buried my face in my hands and speed walked to my desk without looking up.

I heard a laugh and finally looked up to see Mr Aizawa smiling at me. "On a more serious note, welcome back Jirou. *cough* I ship it *cough*."

Mina smirked. "See? Even Mr Aizawa ships it!"

"What are you talking about, I was just coughing?" 

The entire class laughed except for Yaomomo and I who were too busy being blushing messes to laugh.

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