Chapter 14

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Momo POV:

I awoke to warm rays of sunshine sneaking through the curtains and a bundle of warmth against my chest. I kept my eyes closed, trying to enjoy the moment before Kyo woke up but a giggle that wasn't from Kyo or me broke through Kyo's cute breathing. I opened my eyes and blinked the sleepiness away. 

Standing in front of me holding their phones, taking pictures and giggling every now and then, were the other girls. My memories of last night flooded into my mind and I blushed. I lifted one of my hands that was around Kyo up to my mouth as if to tell them to shush so she could continue sleeping. Kyo sleeping body snuggled into my chest even more as if to ask for me to put my arm back around her. I happily obliged and heard delighted giggles in the background and saw them taking more pictures.

All I could do was watch in horror as they sent them to the class 1A groupchat. I reached over Kyo and grabbed my phone off the bedside table.Homo Momo

*In Momo's Homosexuality for Jirou groupchat* 

Invisibitch: 23 pictures uploaded

Alien Queen: 47 pictures uploaded

Kermit: 11 pictures uploaded

Floaty hoe: 6 pictues uploaded

Tsundere: YES.

*Tsundere has added Mr Aizawa to the group chat*

*Tsundere has changed Mr Aizawa's name to Grumpy cat*


Grumpy cat: About time.

Invisibitch: Momo just woke but can't move cause she doesn't wanna wake up her girlfriend!!!!

Kermit: 2 pictures uploaded

Kermit: Look at Momo's face she's so mad but she still can't move 

Tsundere: Ugh it's their innocence for me 

Homo Momo: Umm are we forgetting that Mina and Toru full on made out last night? Toru literally topped Mina and we're talking about Kyo and I?

Sparkling cheese platter: OMFG the nicknames are so cute

Floaty Hoe: And when Momo tried to get us to stop taking pictures Jirou snuggled into her more 😖

Homo Momo: Also Tsu and Ochaco kissed too?

Tsundere: Homo Momo, we ship them too, of course, but now is Momojirou time

Homo Momo: Fuck all of you

Alien Queen: No, you're strictly forbidden to fuck anyone except Jirou 

Angry pomeranian: Ay Tape you owe me $20 bucks

Sticky tape: Ugh I'm happy that they're together but I was so confident they wouldn't make a move on each other until next week

*Homo Momo left the group chat*

*Emo Birb added Homo Momo into the group chat*

Emo Birb: You can't escape the ship Homo Momo


Invisibitch: HOMO MOMO

Alien Queen: HOMO MOMO

Masc Snow White: HOMO MOMO

Tsundere: HOMO MOMO


Floaty Hoe: HOMO MOMO

Sparkling cheese platter: HOMO MOMO

Broccoli: HOMO MOMO

Sticky tape: HOMO MOMO

Angry Pomeranian: HOMO MOMO

Monkey man: HOMO MOMO

Rip off Pikachu: HOMO MOMO

Sharky boi: HOMO MOMO

Zoom Zoom: Homo Momo

Kylie Jenna lips: HOMO MOMO

Can I multiply my dicks as well as my arms? You'll never know: HOMO MOMO

Grumpy cat: HOMO MOMO

Homo Momo: Even Iida and Mr A...

Grumpy cat: Now hurry up and get ready for school you sleazes

I groaned and hugged Kyo tighter, seeking her warmth to make me less annoyed at the universe. I tuned out the girls' squealing and sighed as I shook Kyo awake. She let out a groan and snuggled even deeper into my chest. "Babe just 5 more minutes."

I immediately started blushing at her words and looked up to see the other girls standing there shocked. "B-babe?" 

"You mean you were already a thing and you DIDN'T tell us?!"

I sighed and shook Kyo again. This time it was even worse. "Ughh can we at least shower together like yesterday?" I looked up again, praying that the other girls hadn't heard. But, of course, they had.

"WHAT?!" All the girls screamed, fully waking up Kyo now. She lifted up her head with a jolt and as she noticed the girls staring at us like we were the first store they were going to raid on black Friday, started blushing profusely. 

"T-they heard that didn't they?" Kyo said.


Oh no.

I sighed, figuring since the jig was up I may as well get a shower with Kyoka out of it. "Let's just have a shower and get ready for school Kyo." I said with a yawn. I sat up with her still attached to my chest and put my arms under her as I made my way over to the shower. I got into the bathroom and as I closed the door, saw the girls still standing there in shock. 

Whelp, at least I get a shower with my beautiful girlfriend. God I love her.

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