Chapter 8

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Jirou POV:

I put down my phone and sighed. I'd listened to so many songs during my time in here that I'd almost run out of songs to put on. The hospital was boring to put it lightly, and due to my new feelings I actually felt bored for once. I kinda wish Yaomomo were here.

Yaomomo had visited me every day that I was in here and I'd grown to enjoy her presence. She taught me how to play a game called never have I ever which we were both equally horrible at because our lives were moderate-low in the exciting department. I laughed for what felt like the first time with her and she looked so happy after seeing me laugh that it made me happy. I really liked Yaomomo, I'd consider her my best friend, though I doubt she'd feel the same. She probably already has way more friends that she likes better.

I lay there for a moment, just thinking. Life would be different now. I didn't have an abusive father anymore for one, which was definitely a positive now that I didn't have to worry about being a burden to my sister. Then there was that, my sister being dead. My sister was one of my anchors in this life and I really loved her. We would always build pillow forts and play hide and seek together when we were younger. Hopefully she moved on peacefully.

Then there was the main game-changer, the fact that I could feel things now. I still couldn't feel much externally but that was good and bad because I wouldn't know when I'd passed my limit of tolerance until I was collapsed onto the floor, half-dead. Emotionally and mentally I could feel plenty now though. Recognising which feelings are which can be a bit hard sometimes but I think I'll get used to it soon.

As I continued to think about how much had changed in my life and how it could benefit me or the opposite I barely noticed Yaomomo enter the room. 

"Hi Jirou!" Yaomomo said cheerfully.

"Hi Yaomomo." I replied, forgetting my previous thoughts and focusing on the present tense. She opened her mouth to say something before closing it again.

"'Yaomomo?'" I felt the heat rising to my cheeks as she picked up on her subconsciously given nickname.

"Oh sorry I didn't mean to call you tha-" 

"I love it!" Yaomomo squealed. I felt my face get even redder at her joyous response to her new nickname. She shot my a grin before opening her mouth to speak once more. "Does this mean I can give you a nickname?" She asked excitedly.

I started shaking my head but she clamped her hands together in a pleading motion and started giving me puppy dog eyes. I looked at her before sighing in defeat and hesitantly nodding. Her grin got even wider as she started brainstorming and asking me about what I thought about certain nicknames. She ended up stuck between 2 nicknames that I honestly didn't hate all that much. 

"So which'll it be? Jacky (short for earphone jack) or Kyokirou (a mix of both names like Yaomomo)" She asked. I considered it for a hot second before coming up with an answer.

"Jacky would be nice." I said rubbing the back of my neck awkwardly.

"Ok Jacky~" Yaomomo said with a sly grin that made me blush. My nickname coming from her mouth sounded amazing and I instantly regretted choosing that one, knowing that every time she called me that I would blush. I then thought it over again and realised that any one of my nicknames coming from her would have made me blush.

"S-so what do ya wanna do now?" I stuttered, trying to change the subject.

"I'm not sure... Oh wait I know! You down for a game of chess?" She said to my still-blushing face.

"Sure but... don't we need a board? And the pieces?" I said, sorry to bring down the mood but we couldn't exactly play chess without the proper set.

"This is where my quirk comes in handy!" She beamed at me whilst pulling up her sleeves and producing a board as well as the needed pieces from her forearms. We laid the board on the table that my food came on and started setting up the pieces ready to play. 

I was black and she was white so once we finished setting up I eagerly anticipated her first move. She moved one of her pawns and I mimicked the action, matching each other until Yaomomo took me by surprise and took one of my castles with her horse. She snickered as I pouted slightly at the loss of my castle but quickly got over it at the sound of her laughter.

She eventually won the match and we continued playing 2 more rounds after that before saying that she had to go. I checked the time and realised it was already 6:47pm. Time sure did fly by. We hugged goodbye before she opened the door, waving one more time before vanishing on the other side of it. 

I lay down on the bed again, thoughts filled with the spiky ponytailed friend of mine. I've never really had friends before so I can't be sure but Yaomomo feels different then then my other classmates. It might just be because she visits me at the hospital more then them but she feels like... more then a friend?

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