Chapter 7

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Momo POV:

I waved at Jirou as I left the room and opened the door to a smirking gay bean. I jumped back and hit the back of my head on the door.

"Jesus Christ Todo you scared the crap out of me!"

"How'd it go with your crush?" He said, still smirking and ignoring my statement. I rolled my eyes at him but I could feel my face heating up.

"I've told you multiple times Todoroki. I'm. Not. Gay. Just because she's beautiful and smart and amazing and hot doesn't mean I like her. Sure, if she ran me over I would say thank you, but that doesn't mean anything. Period." 

He raised an eyebrow and I fully comprehended what I just said. I had no doubt at all that I currently looked like a tomato. I turned and walked away without saying anything and called for one of my families chauffeur's to pick me up from the hospital. As I waited all I could think about was Jirou's small smile as she thanked me. I let out a sigh.

Is it possible that... that I am gay? It made sense after all, what else could these feelings be?

At that moment the chauffeur pulled up at the sidewalk in front of me and I got in looking at the roof of the car as I thought about my feelings. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I checked it to see I had been added to a group chat with all of 1A except Jirou. I almost asked them to add Jirou to the chat before Todoroki (the one who made the chat) added a chat name: Momo's homosexuality for Jirou.

My eyes widened and my face turned red as I read the title.


Kermit: I've never been more proud of my gaydar

*Alien queen changed Female god's name to Homo Momo*


PervertedGrape: Or at least let me join you when you do it

*Emo Birb banned PervertedGrape from the chat*

Emo Birb: Ignoring that

Invisibitch: Don't be shy, spill the tea Homo Momo 😏

Rip Off Pikachu: Come on Homo Momo

Broccoli: Leave Homo Momo alone guys

Homo Momo: Todo you little idiotic gay bean, I know who your crush is and he's in this chat 🙂

IcyHot: Hold up Homo Momo it was just a joke

*Homo Momo changed IcyHot's name to Tsundere*

Alien Queen: Homo Momo who does little Tsundere here have a crush on?

Tsundere: Pls Homo Momo I'll do anything just don't tell them 😖

Homo Momo: Fine but you have to be my servant for a week

Homo Momo: Actually no make it 2


Homo Momo: If any of you tell Jirou just remember that I can make tools to snatch your kneecaps while you sleep

*Homo Momo went offline*

Tsundere: She's kidding

Tsundere: I think

I turn off my phone with a smirk as the limo arrives at my house and I thank the chauffer before entering. I went up to my room after taking a bag of chips from the cupboard. Usually I wasn't allowed to eat that kind of thing but I managed to sneak some snack food in. I lay on my bed for a bit eating some chips and daydreaming about Jirou before a thought hit me, what if she didn't return my feelings?

What if she was disgusted by the way I felt? What if she never wanted to see me again? What if she told everyone that I was disgusting? What if- what if she hated me? 

I shook my head in an attempt to get rid of the thoughts that plagued my mind. I checked the time to see it was 9:17. I decided to try and go to sleep.

. . . . . . . . . .

Jirou was sitting in the middle of a flower field, her short purple hair blowing in the wind. Her face was turned away from me but I could tell that she was playing with some of the daisies in the field. I walked over to her but she seemed to be getting farther away. I picked up my pace, desperately trying to catch up with her.

Eventually she started getting closer and stood up and turned towards me. Her face was emotionless once more, as if she had forgotten about what she had been through and the emotion she had experienced was just an illusion. She approached me and I tried to step away but I couldn't move, it was as if my feet were glued to the spot. She stopped once she was right in front of me. She put a hand to my cheek and leaned in to whisper something in my ear.

"You disgust me." 

. . . . . . . . . . 

I woke up sweating and panting heavily. My heart was beating wildly inside my chest. I went into my private bathroom and splashed my face with water to try and calm myself. I slid down the wall to sit on the floor, my face buried in my hands. Tears were spilling out of my eyes as I tried over and over again to try and remind myself that it was just a dream and that she never said anything even remotely like that in real life.

I wiped my eyes and stood up on shaky legs, determined to get ready for school. It was only 4:47 so I decided to take a longer shower then usual. I stripped out of my pj's before going under the cold water and trying to keep my mind off of Jirou. 

I ended up getting out of the shower at 5:33 and sighed before getting changed into my pre-ironed uniform and did my hair into the usual spiky haired ponytail. I wondered when Jirou would be coming back to school? I picked up my phone and scrolled through my social media mindlessly. I really didn't want to think about Jirou right now after that nightmare. The fact that that nightmare could become a reality scared me. A lot.

Sorry I didn't update in a week? I think it was a week but my sense of time horrible so idk. I'm pretty sure I updated late tho so ye. Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

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