Chapter 16

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Yaomomo POV: 

I blinked my eyes open and immediately felt something cold tying my hands to a pole type thing sticking out of the metal table. I was sitting down in a dimly lit room with a door off to my right and a giant black screen in front of me. It looked almost identical like the investigation rooms you would see in cop movies, actually I couldn't really see anything setting this one away from what I imagined it would look like.

I was tired physically, emotionally and mentally. I wanted to pinch myself and wake up lying next to Kyo, but that didn't and wouldn't happen ever. It had all happened so quickly, I might actually be the only one alive in 1A, but I think I'd rather be dead. I want to die and be with Kyo again, explain to her how it wasn't me that killed her, that I still and always have loved her, and would never stop loving her. But that wasn't going to happen.

A tear trickled down my cheek as my mouth tried to form a bitter smile, like it usually would in these situations, but I couldn't even summon the energy to do so. I let my head hang down, staring at the table, trying to distract me with anything, trying to make me feel anything but the crushing sense of lonliness, the empty void inside of me shaped like my lost love.

The door opened. I couldn't even gather up the energy to lift up my head. Useless. Weak. It's all my fault.. It's all my fault. Kyo's dead. Your best friends dead. Your teacher's dead. Class 1A's dead.  But You're alive. Why is that? What did you do to get the right to live? Your not destined to be number one hero like Midoriya...Was. 

It hurts so much, thinking like that. It hurts so so so much. It hurts so so-

"Momo Yaoyorozu?" A firm voice ripped me away from my thoughts. 

I opened my mouth before closing it again. I swallowed the dryness in my throat and tried again. "Y-yes." I managed to croak out.

"You were a part of class 1A correct?" Were.


"Are you aware of what happened to them?" happened. 


"What was your role in this?" was.

"Victim or witness."

"Are you sure?"


"hmmm... well actually a few 1A students survived and 2 of them were said to witness you stabbing a classmate. Do you have anything to say about that?" A few of the survived.

"One of the villians had a shape shifting quirk. She..." I gulped. "She killed my girlfriend." But it was my fault wasn't it.

"I see, well I'm sorry for your loss, but until we find proof of this, we're going to have to keep you in a jail cell." 'I'm sorry for your loss?' No you're not. You couldn't give less of a fuck. This is just all in a day's work for you, isn't it?

"That's fine." 

I was led through the door and my handcuffs were taken off, but, surprisingly, I wasn't thrown into the cell.

"I have a mind reading quirk, perfect for investigations don't you think? And you may not believe me, but I truly feel for you and your classmates. Nobody should've had to go through what you have."

I was surprised. Not much though.

"Thank you then sir." Years of hiding my emotions from my parents had taught me to not feel much or not to show what I feel.

"That's sad..." I looked back at him.

"Please don't read my thoughts again without my consent." I turned around, not even having the room in my heart to be annoyed. 

"Before you go... it wasn't your fault, remember that, please." I hesitated a bit, befpre continuing on my path away from the police station. I wasn't going anywhere in particular, I walked past the limo that was called to pick me up and I just kind of went on from there. Nothing really seemed right.

I imagined walking down the same path I was on now, but with Kyo, on our way to school. I remember how beautiful she is, how nice she smelled, how sweet her smile was. Gone. Toga didn't even care. There was... there was no reason to kill her.. she had so much to live for.. and Toga killed her. Emptiness.

I felt an overwhelming emptiness, but that was replaced by anger. She did that for what? There... there was no fucking reason... Kyo's life meant nothing to her, but it meant everything to me, and Toga killed her. Even knowing how much I loved her, Toga killed her. No.. that was the reason Toga killed her.

So... it really.. it really was my fault. If I hadn't shown Kyo affection in public, if I hadn't blushed whenever I looked her way, If I hadn't smiled whenever I thought about her... she might still be here. 


But it was.


Why should I stop it.

My brain was at war with itself. Just more conflict.


I somehow managed to make my way home and I went up to my room. I stumbled into the bathroom, pulled open the bottom draw on the left, and took out the hidden contents.

I stared at myself in the mirror, holding a knife to my own throat. I looked battered and broken, utterly... gone.

Just like Kyo. Just like Todoroki. Just like Mina. Just like my parents had always been. I'd just.. add to the list, wouldn't I.

I applied pressure. Blood trickled down my neck. Gone. I kept on applying pressure and as I got light headed, and my eyes grew tired, I saw someone else in the reflection and I smiled. So small, but it carried so much emotion. Kyo was kissing my cheek, telling me to come meet her. 

I let go.

Yall dont kill yourselves. Do you really want your family dressing your dead body? No fuckin thank you. And how are you gonna read gay wattpad stories and watch anime in hell? You can't.

Don't do it, pls, Know that you're loved, tell someone about what you're going through, please. Don't live for others, live for yourself 💕


Also Ghost Yaomomo and Kyo are together again so its all good.

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