Chapter 4

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Momo POV: 

It was now 7:56 and everybody was getting bored and tired. Just as I was about to ask if we should just give up on it Jirou came over to our table.

"We're closing up now so I'm gonna have to kindly ask you to leave." she said in her normal expressionless voice with her normal expressionless face. But I noticed something on her expressionless face that made me raise a brow. 

"Is that a bruise? I don't remember Bakugo hitting you in the face... or at all." Tsuyu said before I could. Jirou stilled. 

"H-how I got this doesn't concern you." I barely know Jirou but she does not seem like the kind to stutter. "Now once again I'm going to have to ask you to leave." She continued.

"We're not leaving until you tell us how you got that bruise! It looks pretty bad Jirou! Look at it, it's bright purple and it's huge!" Denki exclaimed. I nodded, we weren't budging until we got an explanation.

Suddenly a small old man came up from behind Jirou and spoke up. "Jirou... be honest with me. Was it your father again?" Silence settled around the table. Her father couldn't do such a thing.. could he? Wait- 'again'?

We all looked at Jirou with worry. Her eyes were glued to the floor. "I have to go to my other job now. I already have to pay for last months bills as well as this months. I can't afford to be late." With that she turned away and tried to push past the old man but he wouldn't budge. She was way too young to be paying bills already. 

"Jirou! You know I can't just ignore how every time you walk in this store you're hurt! You already only get one hour of sleep maximum and have to pay for your father as well as yourself! Just report him to the police! Child abuse is a serious offense! You can't let him-" 

"I have to go to my other job." Jirou cut the old man off coldly. "I'm sorry." Her tone didn't match her words. The old man looked shocked. She went into the back room and came out with her phone in hand. 

"And don't even think about following me." Jirou said looking at us with her usual gaze. 

She let the door swing shut behind her as she set off towards her 'other job'. We sat in silence for a moment before I heard the old man say something quietly.

"She- she was angry." He said, his voice shaking. "She's never ever been angry before. Or happy. Or sad. Or in pain. Or annoyed. Or hungry. She's never showed any emotion at all before." None of us knew what to say or think. Jirou just silently dealt with all the things going wrong in her life, which was apparently a lot of things. I felt so selfish when I thought about how I was sad about being neglected by my parents. At least that's better then them beating the shit out of me.

"What exactly is Jirou's life?" Midoriya whispered to himself.

 "Some of the saddest shit I've ever heard, that's what." Kaminari whispered to nobody in particular. It seemed... wrong... to talk normally for some reason. 

"How the fuck does she deal with that, still be a great fighter and have above average grades?!" Ochaco whisper screamed. 

I didn't reply. I had no idea how to reply because all I knew was that she somehow did.

"You lot should be going now but- but please try and talk to her about this. She's being unreasonable but all she's ever been is a good kid. So much went wrong in her life and honestly if I were her I'd be- well I'd be dead. I'm worried. Really worried. Jirou feels like a daughter to me and I-I just hate seeing her get hurt." The old man sighed with a once again shaky voice.

"We'll try." I said, surprising myself with how determined I sounded. 

"I'm glad that she at least has some people looking out for her." He said with a hint of a smile. "Now get out of here before I have to shoo you out with a broom!" He laughed quietly.

We thanked him before exiting the cafe and saying some quiet goodbyes before splitting up, each of us heading in different directions to go home. I could get one of my family's chauffeurs to pick me up but I felt like getting some fresh air. I walked down the concrete paths and looked up at the stars. It was a beautiful night tonight. Almost as beautiful as... My brain searched for an end for the simile and immediately landed on Jirou. I blushed for no reason at all and I wondered why. I-I couldn't like her right? No- that's not possible. i'M nOT gAy.

Sorry for the short-ish chapter. I just really wanted to end on those words.


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