Chapter 13

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Kyoka POV:

Despite the class teasing me and Yao about how they shipped us none of them figured out that we were actually already together. When me and Yaomomo finally had a moment alone we couldn't help but laugh at class 1A's cluelessness. Yao gave me a quick kiss and the most beautiful smile before leaving, afraid that if we were alone for too long our classmates would start accusing us of canoodling again.

It was now the end of the day and I honestly had enjoyed it. I still missed my sister, I probably will forever, but my friends and Yaomomo are helping me through it. Right as everyone was filing out of the classroom ready to go home, Mina stopped all the girls and asked for our attention. 

"So girlieeesssss, how are we feeling about a sleepover at Momo's place tonight?" 

"My place? But you didn't even ask-"

"I'm down!"

"Yeah let's do it!"

"I guess I'll come if Yaomomo is ok with everybody at her house?" 

"Look Jirou Ik you're concerned about your girlfriend's emotions but how could she say no to this face?" Toru stood still and we all assumed she was making a face but forgot that we can't see her.

Yao sighed. "If Kyo's coming then I'll allow it." She blushed and looked to the side while fidgeting with her fingers.

I beamed while nodding vigorously, "Yeah of course I'll come!"

The others watched our interaction with grins. "Y- you have such cute nicknames for each other!"


"Ugh istg if any homophobes try and shut down this ship imma throw hands with them."

Yaomomo and I while hearing this: 🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️

We stood there blushing as they want on about how much they wanted us to be together and how that they'd 'murder every Momojirou hater they came across'. 

"UMMM SO ANYWAYS how does 6:30 sit with you guys?" Yaomomo finally interrupted, and quite forcefully at that. 

The other girls continued to grin as they nodded their heads and filed out the door, leaving Yaomomo and I to finally be alone together and have some personal space. I sighed. "How much do you wanna bet that they're gonna try and hook us up at the sleepover?" 

"My families entire bank account as well as everything we own." 

Ochaco, the last girl to arrive at Yaomomo's house squealed as she entered the room, slowly grinned as she pulled out a box of Pocky before the other girls started squealing right along with her, Yao and I were exempt from the squealing of course.

"We'll save the Pocky game for last, first lets play truth or dare!"

Mina offered to go first and I immediately knew this wasn't going to end well. "Jirou! Truth or dare?" Afraid that she would ask if I liked Yaomomo if I said truth I panicked and picked dare. Bad desiscion. 

"I dare you to sit on Momo's lap for the rest of the night." I groaned, blushing before making my way onto Yao's lap while avoiding all eye contact. I heard squeals in the background.

"Ahem. U- um Tsu, truth or dare?" 

"Dare of course!" I smirked, knowing that Tsu liked Ochaco.

"I dare you to chose one person in this room to kiss." I heard a surprised laugh come from Tsu as if she hadn't expected me to say anything even along the lines of that question. She turned away from everyone for a second before turning back with a blush and an expression of determination.

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