Chapter 10

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Momo POV:

As soon as I said it I regretted it. I didn't mean to say it out loud but at first wasn't worried because I said it so quietly that even at such a close proximity she wouldn't hear it. Then I remembered her quirk.

I stilled. Trying to harden my heart because her answer was probably gonna be something along the lines of 'Of course I don't like you anymore you froyo yoghurt'.  I looked down clenching my fist at the vision playing in my head. 

"Of course I still would count you as my best friend. After all I have... reason to believe... that I'm in the same boat." What.

"R-really?" Does that mean I have a chance wit- No. Even if she did like girls I highly doubt she'd like someone like me. 

"Yes, really. I've never felt any attraction towards anyone before because of.. ya know, but recently I think I've been feeling those feelings towards someone. She makes me feel warm and happy and I- I got jealous when someone was standing too close too y- her." Jirou's face went bright red near the end but I think it was just the thought of her crush.

Sure Momo, you just believe that ;-)

"I like someone too. She doesn't show too much emotion but when she does it makes me so happy and she's funny, kind, hot and I really-" I stopped, my face feeling ready to explode as I contemplated the words I had just said. I buried my face in my hands and turned around. I heard a melodious sound erupt from behind me and turned around once more, my fingers split apart just so I could see through the gap, and saw Jirou laying on the bed, laughing in such a cute way- I blushed even more at the thoughts running through my head.

I laid my head down on the pillow next to Jirou's once I'd calmed down enough to stop blushing and we lay there for a moment in a comfortable silence. I was about to say something when I felt arms wrap themselves around me sideways. After a moment I was sure that she was asleep and I turned to wrap my arms around Jirou in return. I almost immediately fell asleep, more comfortable in her embrace then anywhere else in the world.

Time skip brought to you by one of my fav ships, Mineta x Graveyard

Jirou POV:  

I awoke to the dawn light seeping in through a window and immediately felt Yaomomo's body heat surrounding mine. I could feel the blush rising to my cheeks as soon as that thought registered in my brain but didn't have the heart to move her arms away, or mine for that matter. That was the first time I had ever had such a good sleep. I felt warm and... and loved.

I know that she likes women but... do I really have a chance with her? Probably not. I can't even imagine someone describing me as hot. Though... I must say the rest of the explanation does sound like me.

 I sat there thinking for a moment I decided that I would ask her out. If she said she liked someone else that would be... sad but at least I wouldn't keep ignoring my feelings like I have. And if she said yes, I'd be overjoyed.  

One more thought went through my mind before being once again wrapped up in Yaomomo's warm embrace and drifting off into a peaceful slumber; 

Maybe I do have a chance.

Momo's POV:     

I woke up to a face buried in my chest and small arms wrapped around my waist. I couldn't stop the heat from rushing to my face as I looked down to see Jirou sleeping peacefully. I could feel her chest rising and falling slowly against mine. I allowed myself a small smile. I was notified that Jirou had insomnia by one of the nurses assigned to keep watch over Jirou whilst she was at the hospital and it made me happy to know she had slept well. She probably hadn't slept like this since... never, maybe.    

I stared up at the ceiling, enjoying Jirou's embrace while I still could. Eventually her head lifted tiredly to gather herself and immediately jumped back when she realised where she had been sleeping. Immediately I felt cold without her there but couldn't find myself brave enough to ask her to go back into that position.

"I-I'm so s-sorry I didn't mean to- I was asleep- I couldn't-" 

"Hey, it's fine. I enjoyed it." I interrupted with a smile, sitting up at the same time. She started blushing even more and I wondered why for a second before realising that she took it a different way then I meant it. Then it was my turn to stutter.

"Oh my gosh, I-I did not mean it l-like that! I didn't- It wasn't..." I drifted off and buried my face in my knees. In all honesty, I did mean it like that.

Jirou POV: 

I'm so gay.

Momo POV:

I'm so gay.       

Ok so basically Imma just update whenever I can now cause motivation? We don't know her. I'll still try and updated similarly to what I said I would but probably a little less at times. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. QueenSock~                                       

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