Chapter 6

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Momo POV:

Jirou looked down at the floor with her eyes closed shut as if having a mental debate. Mr. Aizawa's words seem to annoy her as she considered what he had said. Needless to say she looked beautiful even as she argued with her own mind. 

Jirou finally looked back up and stared straight at Mr. Aizawa, not even a hint of emotion seeping through her gaze. "No sir." She finally responded.

"Then would anybody else like to raise their hand and answer me this: Why was everybody staring at Jirou?" Hands shot up throughout the classroom and Jirou clutched her head in her hands as she proceeded to look back at the ground.

I had no idea why she had such a problem with reporting her father to the police after all he had done to her. If my parents did that to me I wouldn't hesitate to report them and have them suffer the consequences of their actions, so why wouldn't she? She'd be much better off without him.

Just as Jirou's suffering was about to come to an end All Might interrupted by entering the classroom with a phone in hand. "There's a call for young Jirou, according to this guy it's important." Jirou breathed a sigh of relief as she delayed the truth being revealed. Why she would let out a relieved sigh is beyond me. 

I watched as she grabbed the phone out of All Might's hands and went outside to listen to what the person on the other end of the call had to say. Mina stood up and gestured for everyone to follow her as she opened the door enough so we could all peep through. Mr. Aizawa had already fallen asleep at this point and couldn't stop them.

We watched as a once in a lifetime thing happened, Jirou's expression changed. Instead of her usual bored-of-everything and beautiful expression she looked as if she had just seen a ghost. I wanted to step out from behind the door and give her a big hug to make her feel better and then snuggle up together while watching Netflix and eating ice-cream. What? It's totally platonic.

Of course I held my position as to not blow our cover and barely made out a single word escape her lips, so quiet I wouldn't be surprised if I was the only one who heard it. "No." A single tear rolled down her cheek as she repeated the same word over and over again. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no! She- she can't be gone. She- she just can't be." Jirou dropped to her knees before blacking out.

Jirou POV:

I woke up to bright light surrounding me. I was at peace at last I thought before my vision cleared up and realisation hit me. I was in a hospital. The principal probably knows by now about my father. My sister was dead. I wasn't dead.

It all came back to my mind too quickly to properly comprehend and the only thing that kept me from blacking out again was a hand holding mine, as if reassuring me that eveything was going to be ok. I moved my head to the left slightly to see that it was Yaoyorozu's hand that was holding mine and I slightly smiled. 

My classmates were still being so nice to me even after I shut them out and didn't let them help me with my situation. It felt... warm. My entire body was encased in shadows but it seemed like they were a source of light. Maybe if I let them in... things could go back to how they used to be, no abuse, no depression, no anxiety, no sleeping problems, no eating problems and no being overworked.

I slightly laughed at how impossible that sounded and Yaoyorozu's eyes flitted open at the sound. 

"Jirou! You're finally awake! I- we were so worried about you! The nurses said you passed out due to lack of sleep and eating and the added on stress of your sister's... passing. And we've informed principle Nezu about your father and what he's been doing so he's said you can move in with me! Your father though... he's in jail for child abuse and won't be getting out anytime soon." I nodded, turning my head back to face the ceiling again.

"Thank you. How long has it been since I passed out?" I said quietly.

"I-It's been around a week." My eyes widened and I sat up with a jolt. Yaoyorozu scrambled to push me back down with a look of worry in her eyes.

"Don't sit up so fast! Might I remind you that your currently in a hospital bed and are in no position to move much at all!" She whisper-shrieked at me.

"Her funeral was today. I- I missed her funeral." Tears started falling down my cheeks and I let them. One of the only reasons I was still alive passed away and I hadn't even gone to her funeral. I felt horrible.

"Oh no there's no need to worry, I reorganized the funeral for next Sunday for when you'll be in peak condition to attend!" She said cheerfully. She reached over and wiped away my tears with a slight smile. "It's ok, Kyoka, It's ok."

My first name sounded angelic coming from her mouth. Her presence made me feel warm too.

"Th- thank you. I've been going through a fair bit recently and it's nice to have someone who cares." I say while looking at my feet with the slightest smile possible. It felt odd to smile after so long but it also felt good.

Yaoyorozu hugged me while rubbing her thumb over my knuckles. She was smiling a lot more then me but I didn't know why she was so happy. I didn't bother to ask though, her being happy was enough for me. I think I'm quite fond of Yaoyorozu.

If you caught the little miss perfect reference from the beginning you're an elite homosexual

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