Chapter 3

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Jirou POV:


I've got miles of regrets and confusing friends

But perhaps it's just my stupid head in the end

Thinking should I wait here or make my way home?
You said, go
(You said, go)
Making up problems that don't exist
Why do I let myself dream like this?
We're floating away, my body's in space
We are going home
Missing pieces of my skull
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
There's nothing you or I can do, so let the stars fall
'Cause from up here the sky is my thoughts
And we're all so small

I started humming as my favourite part of the song started playing.

Meteor shower
Quick, take cover
But the hues in our hair compliment one another
I'd sell my own bones for sapphire stones
'Cause blue's your favourite colour
Missing pieces of my skull
I'll sew on patches of my own soul
There's nothing you or I can do, so let the stars fall

The song ended and so did my humming but I had reached home now so I didn't bother putting on another one. I got my keys out of my bag and opened the door to see my father sitting on the couch gulping down a bottle of beer with his head back. 6 empty beer bottles were on the table in front of him and I knew that today would be one of the worse days, but I had no reaction other then my usual expression: sick of life. 

He finished the bottle and looked at me with disdain clear to see on his face. "The fuck are you doing here looking like that? You pretentious little dipshit. You think you can waltz on in here acting all high and mighty just cause you got into some dumb as rich kid school? I'll teach you a fucking lesson. Get over here ya little fucker!" I let my bag drop to the floor and walked over to him slowly. 

"Fucking walk faster!" He yelled at me with spit flying out of his mouth. I picked up my pace to be met by him punching me in the stomach. He then continued to punch me in the face and stomach until I fell over, my legs being unable to hold up my body weight. Once I hit the ground he started kicking me until he yawned and sat back on the couch mumbling about how I must have cheated in the UA entrance exam if I didn't put up a fight at all.

"Get off your lazy ass and get up to your fucking room before I get up and do that all over again ya hear?!" He shouted after me.

I didn't respond but picked myself up off the floor (with much difficulty) and stumbled up the stairs with my bag. My room was bland. All I had was a blanket on the floor and a few changes of clothes. I put my bag down and collapsed onto my bad laying there, staring up at the ceiling. I couldn't sleep. I could never sleep.

I picked up my phone after a minute and played some music. Music was the only way I could express myself. It was the only thing that could make me feel something. Without music, I'd probably be buried in the ground. It kept me from killing myself but nothing could stop me from hurting myself. I stood up and went into the bathroom taking off my uniform until I was left in nothing but my bra and my underpants. I stared at my broken reflection. The self harm scars that littered my body stared back. I acknowledged them for a minute before entirely stripping and stepping into the cold water coming from the shower head.

I paid all the bills of course. My father would never do anything for me. I paid the bills, I paid for all my stuff, I paid for all my fathers stuff and I paid for our food and water. Whenever I made money he would take it to pay for the beer and cigarettes he constantly had.

I stepped out from under the water after having a minute or so long shower. It wasn't easy to [ay the bills so I only had miniscule amounts of shower time. It was the same for the rest of the things I paid for. I quickly got dressed into my work clothes and checked the time. It read 4:37. I should really be heading for my first job of the night now. 

I got my phone and key before heading out the door. I walked for about 15 minutes before reaching my destination; Olive cafe.

Ok this isn't part of the story but it took like 10 minutes to come up with that cafe name. 10 minutes. My lack of creativity scares me sometimes. ANYWAYS, BACK TO THE STORY:

I was met by the familiar smell of freshly baked pastries and ground coffee beans. I quickly went out the back and put down my stuff before readying myself to go work at the counter. 

"Hey Jirou!" The cheery old man that owned the place said. 

"Hello boss." 

He sighed "How many times have I told you to call me Joe?" He said.

"Sorry boss." 


With that I walked up to the counter and started taking peoples orders as the customers started pouring in. As I finished making a double shot macchiato for one of the customers some familiar faces walked in. It was Mina, Toru, Momo, Kaminari, stone boy, glowstick, Floaty girl and Tsuyu. They sat at our largest table and I dreaded having to take their order but I knew I would have to as I'm the only one currently working at this time. 

They looked up in surprise as they saw me approaching before Momo noticed my apron and realised I worked here. "May I take your order?" I said, wanting to minimalize the amount of social interaction. It didn't work.

"Wowowo- hold up, you're not getting off the hook that easy. I didn't know you worked here." Mina said.

"Do you know anything about me other then my name and my quirk? No. So as I was saying, what would you like?" I repeated my earlier question.

Mina looked like she was about to say something but Momo interrupted. "I'd like a banana bread and an earl grey tea, thanks!" I silently thanked her for helping me get out of the pink alien's questioning. Mina had a pout on her face but kept quiet until it was her turn to order. Once I had what all of them wanted down in my notepad I started making what they wanted.

I soon finished making their orders and gave it to them without a word. They didn't speak either. As I returned to the counter I heard Toru say 'quietly' "wanna follow her when she leaves? Ya know to find out some stuff about her."

"Sounds evil- I'm in!" said Kaminari with a sly grin.

"I don't exactly approve but I can't say I'm not curious." Momo said with a nod. Everybody else nodded too. I didn't like people knowing to much about my private life but I figured that even if I told them off they'd still follow me. I sighed. This was going to be a long night. :,[

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