Chapter 4

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Rebecca's pov

The rest of the school day went by slowly. and when I say slowly, i mean slowly. Kyle and bebe have detention tommorow. me and kenny want to do something to get into detention with them too. I just really want to interrogate Stan on how he feels. I don't know why I just do.

We walk out of school staying on a low profile. end of school days are always the worst for bulling. the teachers don't care after the bell goes. it's fucking stupid.

"Were we heading?" Bebe asks

"My place. this girl Hana, she's new, told me about this blog/gossip thingy," Kyle says

I raise an eyebrow. "why would you want to check that out?" I ask. Kyle has never been the one to gossip or to read gossip

"The girl said me and kyle are mentioned more then once" kenny says pulling his hood up.

Kyle dodges a snowball thrown in his direction

"VERY ORIGNAL!" He shouts in the direction

"Is it TheCrew by any chance?" Bebe asks Kyle and kenny nod.

"TheCrew? What sort of name is that? Why didn't they just do Gossip Gang" I say they laugh

"Gossip Gang? That's horrible!" kenny says in between laughter

"it sounded good in my head" I mumble making them laugh more.

"Bebe how do you know them?" Kyle asks

"I read an advice column about how to match your shoes with your outfit. it's how I learnt that short shorts and knew length boots is a total stippers attire." Kenny scoffs

"I already knew that" we laugh and rush to get on the school bus that drops us off at the bus stop nearest Kyle's place.

Kyle walks in and bumps into ike who tells him to watch were he's going he's trying to sneak up on flirkle. who ever that is. {GIKE! FTW}

"MUM! IM HOME AND GOING ON THE COMPUTER!" Kyle shouts adding that we are here also

We quickly head upstairs into the study or were the computer is. Kenny gets to the computer first typing in TheCrew. the first think that pops up is their website. Then a twitter page, Facebook, Instagram Wikipedia ,the source of learning, and separate twitter accounts.

"Click on the first one!" I say quickly eager to see what TheCrew are all about,

Kenny clicks and it comes up with a website. it says TheCrew in the top left corner, with the names Cherry, Aubrey and Claw across underneath. it has an ad on the side. which kenny deletes, and the background is red, black and silver. There's a column that
Says advice, one that says news, another says frequently asked question well FAQ.

"Click on news." bebe says

Kenny clicks on it and the days of last week and today pop up. kenny clicks today. And reads what it says.

"Summer is over in South Park, even though it hardly started there snow everywhere! And everyone is back in school. Claw here to tell you what went on today. Lisa Burger and Clyde Donavon are still together and remain high on our cutest couples list. the hot new fashion trend seems to be high heels with knee length socks and short skirts. everyone is still talking about the recent will they or won't they couple. it's still the openly gay Kyle broflovski and supposedly straight kenny McCormick. this is one of the most debated about couples since we all know who broflovski is set on being with. that star quarterback of the South Park cows. in other news, are the goths getting more popular? Layla marsh and Robin walker are new members and Mike and his clan of vamp kids are getting gothic too. new kids, don't you all love them? Hana rose is the recent new girl to stand up to Lisa Burger! Unbelievable.
Love you all OXOX
Claw" kenny finishes

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