Chapter 12

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-sorry about this but, timeskip of a week-

Stan's pov

I chew on my pencil as we do a practice test for maths. I look around an see I'm no the only one confused. cartmans whispering to kenny, while kenny snickers and holds in laughs whispering things back. odd, but whatever. bebe in looking in a pocket mirror at her hair and make up. The only people actually scribbling things down are wendy, Rebecca and Kyle. speaking if Kyle he's been so frustrating lately. whenever I'm near him he'll smile and talk to me but when I ask him out he pretends like he can't hear me or he says something like cool, can. Rebecca come too?

Does Kyle not take the hint that I actually like him?! We've kissed quite a lot. I'm forever pulling him into janitor closets. I grab my phone and mindlessly browse TheCrews website, I read the newest post in my head

' will they or won't they? Stan marsh and Kyle broflovski are one of the most talked about friendships ever. Here at TheCrew Aubrey and Claw seem to think kenny Mcormick has some compition too the sweet Jewish waffle. and his compition is nothing more then Stan marsh. find out more very soon. TheCrew's one and only Cherry. love y'all bye X'

I blush. People talk about me and kyles friendship behind our backs? I click on yesterday's and have to stop my self from breaking my phone. they made a page on mine and kyles friendship and how it ended.

'Hey guys!! Aubrey here to tell you 5 reasons why Kyle broflovski, one of the most talked about guy on this blog, and Stan marsh, everyone's favourite jock, friendship ended.

One reason could be that they wanted a change. they didn't like the same old routine and wanted something different.

Popularity us something a lot of people want. maybe Stan wanted to gain popularity with Kyle but Kyle wanted a different rout. He wanted a select friend group and people he could could trust (kenny McCormick, bebe Stevens and Rebecca Cotswolds)

Jealousy is a big thing. you might not want to admit it but everyone gets jealous. Maybe Kyle was jealous of Stan?

This one isnt very likley. Everyone used to talk about how Kyle and Wendy would make a cuter couple then the famous 'stendy' as we call it, me, Claw and Cherry all know that Wendy knew Kyle's big 'secret' maybe there where problems in the friendship when that happened? Again this isn't very likely but Cherry finds this one interesting

we all know this is the main reason. Stan is homophobic. Kyle is gay. you can probably work it out. Stan and his new friends ( which he made from popularity) bullied poor Kyle. no one here is homophobic and we were quite frankly disappointed in Stan marsh. especially Claw. you can ask her about it.

That's all from me, Aubrey put. love and peace!!'

I sigh and put my head in my hands. there making me look terrible. I'm so ducking stupid.

And the worst thing is, Kyle won't even let me love him.


Eh. I gave up on the detention thing. I didn't like it.


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