chapter 14

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Kyle's pov

-timeskip of a month-

Me and Stan has  been off and on for the past month. We've been on 3 dates 2 ended badly. First date I poured water on him and left the restaurant. Second went fine and the last I shouted at him and called him a bunch of names.

I don't know how he puts up with me. I know your thinking KYLE! YOU HAVE A HUGE CRUSH ON STAN AND YOUR RUINING THE DATES. But you can't change the past

"KYLE!! New kid alert!" Rebecca shouts nudging me "he's cute too."

"Excuse me?" Liz says putting a hand on her hip

"No one can get cuter then you." Rebecca says

"Damn straight"

"Hunter!! Hunter!! Over here!!" Lisa says waving at him.

He has blonde hair that swoops over his right eye. Freckles are scattered on his cheeks. He's wearing a grey beanie, skinny jeans, knee high converse and a red hoodie. 

"In your dreams girlie" he says walking away from Lisa. His eyes meet mine and I think my insides melt. He has golden eyes flecked with purple.

He winks at me and I blush as red as my hair. "Yo Hunter! Over here" Craig says and Hunter turns in Craig's direction not before smiling at me. He walks up to Craig and they do this hand shake thing then hug.

" I want him" I say

"Jesus Christ Kyle. You can't claim guys" Liz says

"Too bad. I want him"

"What about Stan?" Rebecca asks.

"Meh. I'll do it in scales. Stan is like a 7. That's from personality, and looks. He's a 9 just from looks"

"Ky your seriously have to be joking"

"He has dimples, freckles, blonde hair and eyes that would belong to a God. I'm not joking."

"You need help"

Stans pov


I sit boredly at my usual table wishing I could sit at Kyle a table. Lisa and Wendy are blabbing on about shopping. Clyde is on his phone and token is staring into space

"New guy!" Token says nodding towards a blonde guy walking with Craig and lamb.

"His names Hunter. He's so cute. He deserves to sit at this table but he'd rather be around that creep lamb and Tucker." Wendy says

"Hey!" Token says

"You and lamb broke up. Get over it" Clyde says.

"My cousin isn't a creep." I say.

"She's pretty. Really is. But wants to act like the creepy Goths"

"What the fuck!? Hunter is talking to Broflovski and his gang!!" Lisa says "Dumbass doesn't know what's good for him."

I watch Kyle and Hunter closely. Kyle's face is bright red as Hunter smirks at him.

"Oh my God. Their flirting!!" Wendy says

"New kids gay?" Clyde says peering at the two.

I growl standing up from th table. I make my way over to the table.

"Excuse me" I say and Hunter looks at me

"What?" He asks

"That's my boyfriend your quite obviously flirting with" I growl glaring at him. Hunter shrugs

"Told me he was single"

"I am single. Stan your not my boyfriend"

"Can't wait for this to be on the crews website" bebe mutters filing her nails

"There you go. Kyle said it himself. Go back to your 'friends' if you were his boyfriend you'd be here next to him." Hunter says. He gives Kyle a folded piece of paper and walks off with Craig and lamb. Taking a seat by tweek and Red.

"Stan you can leave now. There done flirting." Kenny says nudging Kyle who blushes.

"Kyle go out on a date with me?" I ask

"Can't were going to see a movie." Rebecca says.

"All of us are going, right Kyle?" Liz asks

"Yeah, sorry Stan"


Thanks to Kitkatthekat1987 for the idea! Hunter is bae. This book will soon be coming to a close.  I don't want it to have more then 20 chapters.


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