chapter 2

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Kyles pov

I trudge over to the bus stop. luckily only Kenny is there. I smile at him.

"Kyle Rebecca got reported" Kenny says smirking

"by that guy we pretended to be the president too?"

"yep. she got the message and then reported him, twice with two different accounts"

we both burst out laughing and continue to talk and laugh until Rebecca arrives.


me and Kenny crack up again.

"ITS BECUASE HE'S JEALOUS THE STUPID BASTARD!!" She shouts making us laugh even more. I laugh so much I have to lean on Kenny for support.

We soon quiet down when cartman and Stan arrive at the bus stop. I sneakily take in stans appearance. Hiss hair is longer and he has a tan. His acne from last grade has definitely gone. His blue eyes are still a dreamy sapphire colour. Unlike me he's still wearing his hat. Rebecca makes me take it off all the time anyway and whenever I put it on she hides it. She says I shouldn't be embarrassed about my beautiful hair. She loves it. Stan used to love it too..

The bus pulls over and Stan and cartman push past us. Hartman knocking Rebecca over and Stan pushing me. I fall backwards and Kenny catches me. When Stan pushed me I felt the sparks shooting up my arm. As cliche as it sounds.

"Thanks Ken." I say getting out of his grip.

"Yeah thanks for catching me Kenny" Rebecca says rolling her eyes.

"Your welcome" Kenny says getting on the bus. I pull Rebecca up and we get on after him. Rebecca sits with bebe and I sit with Kenny. It's weird but bebe is kinda our friend too. She's really supportive and actually nice and funny once you get past the make up. {I know I said Kyle has only two friends but bebe kinda fits in the group. I just want her in. She's my favourite girl so}

"Hey Kyle!" Bebe shouts looking at me.


"Seen any hot guys lately?" She asks smiling. I blush.

"Bebe, boy talk is for later. Me, you and Rebecca ok?" We all laugh and Kenny pouts.

"How come I'm not invited? I wanna ogle over Zack effron and Robert Patterson. " he says

"Hey! You forgot Daniel radclif!" Rebecca adds.

"And Norman reedus!!" Bebe says

"What about Larry stylinson!? What are we gonna fangirl over!?"

"TRUTH!" They both shout getting weird looks.

"On second thought, I'd much rather hang with lamb and the Goths." Kenny says looking creeped out.

I shove him playfully. "You know you love us." I say smiling at him. He nods

"Your lucky I do."

The bus pulls over and teenagers run off. We wait till last. Hoping that one day the bus driver will be kind enough to drive us to south park mall. No such luck.

We rush of the bus so we don't have to hear her horrible voice again and head inside. We head to Rebecca and babes locker first since there the closest.

"Why are our lockers so far away?" I say leaning on Kenny lazily.

"I LIKE YOUR NEW BOYFRIEBD KYLE!" Some cocky son of a bitch shouts.

"BROFLOVSKI PROBABLY PAYS HIM TO GO OUT WITH HIM. DO YOU?" That hurt. I look who said that. Lisa burger. My face goes red. That's embarrassing. She's like the most popular girl now. Even I can say she's beautiful. And I'm gay.

She has long wavy brown hair. Unlike the small amount she used to have. She's replaced her glasses for contacts and has a nice figure now she's lost weight. She has no spots or scabs anymore and got rid of the braces. {Did she have braces? IDEK} she's head cheerleader and just goes by Lisa now. Butters is kisses he didn't say yes when she asked him out 2 years ago. She was loading weight and going to the gym with cartman.

"FUCK OFF!! LEAVE US ALONE! AND FOR YOUR INFORMATION KYLE DOESN'T NEED TO PAY SOMEON TO BE HIS BOYFRIEND! HE COULD GET ANYONE!" Rebecca shouts Lisa walks over here. Wendy, red and Annie behind her. They've Changed too.

"Really. If he can get anyone why isn't he with Stan then? Hmm? Everyone knows you've got the hots for the quarterback. I bet I could get him around my little finger in less then a week." Lisa says

"Yeah right. No one knows Stan like Kyle does." Bebe says "and I don't think Stan would go for someone as fake as you and your crew." She says motioning to Wendy's boob job, Annie's hair extensions and red's tattooed on eyebrows. She then motions to Lisa's nose.

They glare at her. Rebecca shuts her locker door and passes bebe her stuff from her own locker.

"Come on lets go. It's a bit bitchy around here." Kenny says and we follow him to our lockers. I laugh when I get to mine. Some really clever person has spray painted faggot on my locker and spelt it wrong.

I open up my locker for loads of rubbish to fall out. I'm guessing cartman and Stan. Stan knows my locker combination and told the whole football team. Yep. right about know if I didn't have these three idiots my life would suck. I slam the locker shut.

"Fuck off stan, cartman you bastards." I mutter glaring at the floor.

"Wait, what did the floor do to you?" Bebe asks hands on hips

"Yeah, you're glaring at it like you want to kill it's family." Rebecca says.

"Please don't hurt me.." kenny says in a small squeaky voice.

I can't help but laugh. "god you three are idiots." bebe hits my head playfully.

"leave Jesus out of this" she says making is laugh.

Oh. your probably wondering about the boyfriend thing before. everyone thinks me and kenny are dating. I don't even know why. I may have sat I his lap in English when there wasn't enough chairs. I may jump in his arms when I'm scared or lean on him, like a lot, and call him adorable or cute or say he looks sexy. but it doesn't mean where dating {me and my best friend do that. apart from the jump in arms thing.}

Kennys straight. so I don't know why people assume that were dating. That's just like me assuming Stan and cartman are dating because their always around eachother. the bell cuts me off from my thoughts.

"What do we have?" Kenny asks.

"English" Rebecca answers peering at her hand. she writes her timetable on her hand. {I used to do that XD}

"Yes! We sit right at the back right?" I ask as we start walking to english.

"Yep, that's why it's one of the best classes." kenny says

"especially when miss chokesondik is ill and we have a substitute." I add

"Mr Andaton~" bebe says nuding me and Rebecca making us all laugh.

I love my friends to bits.


I really like kyles new friend group. bebe is now a part of it. I love it. along with this book. I'm gonna start working on the next chapter right now and it'll be the English lesson. it will be based on an English lesson I had a few days ago. the picture is just adorable. I found it while mindlessly browsing tumblr. it's just so cute.


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