Chapter 11

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Kennys pov

I was walking home with elizabeth. non of us where talking. we were in our own love sick daze. I was day dreaming about Hanna. I have asked her out. she didn't say yes, but she didn't say no. she said she'll think about it. because of our day dreaming liz bumped into someone and I catches her.

"Watch were your going." the person sneered. I looked up to see pete.

"What are you doing around here?" I ask him

"None of your damn buisness. now beat it conformists."

"Eh. we would much rather stay here seen as we live here." Liz says. Pete raises an eyebrow

"Not that I care, but who are you?" He asks her

"Elizabeth. I'm in your grade actually. I've seen you around with that vampire guy. with the greeny black hair." she stats. the colur pink flushes into Peres cheeks

"Mike? I thought you guys hated the vamp kids. I know I do. their so annoying" I comment. out of the corner of my eye I see Pete glare at me.

"I think their cool. mike has lots of pirceings like a nose stud, snake bites, his tongue is pierced I wish I could get my tonge pierced." liz says waggling her tongue out at pete.

"Is that a smile I spy upon your gothic features Pete?" I tease him. he glares at me.

"No." I smile at him

"It totally is!! You should smile more. you look better smiling. tell flirkle that Ike likes it better when he smiles too. He think it's cute" I say. liz looks confused

Pete raises an eyebrow "broflovski? Huh. I hate him. he's too preppy and jocky." he mumbles

"Who's ike? And flirkle?" Liz asks

"Kyles little brother. Flirkles another goth. now why has liz seen you with mike?" I ask wiggling my eyebrows

Pete blushes " I said drop it! or I'll murderer you"

"Pax me bro" liz says putting her fists up. Pete smiles again

"Aaayyyyyeee!! There's that smile" Pete pushes me a little still blushing

"Shut up!!" He says but he still smiling

"aww! Pete your adorable!" Liz says smiling.

"I'm not adorable. in scary, dark and creepy" Pete says

"Your adorable and that's that." liz smiles

"Well I'm out. cya conformists don't wanna be ya" Pete says

"In a while crocodile" liz smiles. I waggle my fingers at him. he flips me off

"WELL FUCK YOU TOO!" I shout at him

We continue walking out of our daze. we talk about random shit like our favourite video games and consoles. I wave goodbye as we have to part ways since my house is closer. as i walk in I ignore the shouting and smile at Karen who hugs me.

"Hows Kyle?" She asks looking excited. it's Wednesday the day when I tell her about how Kyle had been. she's really interested in Kyle's life. she says it's like a story. She used to ask me every night but I kept it to Wednesdays.


"Did he finally make a move?"

"No it was kinda Stan that made a move" I say and she scream with joy jumping up and down. she has an obsession with Kyle life, he knows.

"I could get Kyle to tell you if you want" she nods enthusiastically and I text Kyle

Kenny: my sis wants 2 here it life story

Kyle: lol. I'll be there

Kenny: thnx ;)

Kyle: <3 X

"He's on his way"



That fucking sucked. meh. I have so many ideas for sequels it's not even funny. I want to do them all

This boll still has loads more chapters.


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