Chapter 15

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Hunter on the side


Hunters pov

I laugh at Craig as he throws chips at Red.

"Ah!! You bastard!" She says pulling chips out of her hair.

"So how do you two know each other?" Lamb asks taking a swig of her water

"Long story." Craig says putting his arm around tweek

"Me and Craig went to preschool together. in north park." I start off

"Ugh. north park was the worst. I moved when I started elementary. we would talk over phone. and Hunter actually introduced me to red racer."

"Uh. thanks for that Hunter" tweek says glaring at me playfully "I'm sick of red racer"

"I came out to Craig about 2 years ago {there 14 I think} then he came out to me a year after and said he liked this twitchy blonde boy named tweek" I say smirking.

Craig blushes. "shut it. You liked Chris! So after that his foster parents wanted to move to south park. and they wanted to take Hunter with them so now here he is."

"Hi" I say and the guys laugh.

"By the way what was that with Kyle?" Lamb says

I shrug "he's cute"

"Your gonna get shit from Marsh" Tweek says

I shrug "like he's gonna tell me what to do"

"Same old Hunter I know"

Kyle's pov

I have to admit. I felt terrible when my friends ganged up on stan. I Stand up from the table and walk over to stans.

I hesitate. years of friendship can't go in the bin yet. and if he can prove to me that he really loves me maybe I would give him a chance.

I stand in front of the table and grab Stan's hand pulling him towards me.

"Get lost fag" Lisa says

"Get of my boyfriend Broflovski" Wendy says

I bite my bottom lip. am I going to do this? Fuck it.

"Kyle what are y-" I cut him of by pressing my lips to his.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I hear Wendy shout. I wrap my hands around Stan's neck he wraps his around my waist. we break apart breathless

"Kyle I-"

"Be my boyfriend?" I ask him hopefully

He smiles "sure"

I think the next chapter will be the last chapter. I need you guys to vote on a third book

How cartman and kenny grew up together

Clyde still has feelings for token and wants him back

Hunter uses people. (he will use kyle, tweek, Clyde and flirt with people) and butters likes him

Or bendy (wendyxbebe)
Wendy finds feelings for bebe buried deep inside her an tries to make bebe notice her

I like them all.


Let Me Love You (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanXKyle}Where stories live. Discover now