Chapter 8

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Kyles pov

HES KISSING ME! HES KISSING ME! Stan marsh is actually kissing me. of course i kiss back. out fingers are intwined. Stan let's go of my hands placing his hands at my waist. he pulls me closer and I slip my arms around his neck.

We infirmary have to break apart and Stan looks confused.

"I'm sorry kyle..." he says his hands still around my waist.

"you don't have to apologise."

"Yes, I do. for everything I've done to you. it's sounds sappy and so not like me but I think I felt sparks." he whispers the last part. I bring him closer to me so I can hug him.

"Do you know I've dreamt about you kissing me" I whisper. Stan pulls away and smiles.

"I made your dream come true?" He asks and kisses me again.

~time skip~

"KYLE BEOFLOVSKI!!" I hear bebe shout. I look at her and hide behind kenny. I haven't talked to Stan properly since we kissed. he doesn't want to people to know. so we have to act normal. though at lunch he looked board sitting with wendy, clyde, butters (who has actually changed like Lisa burger) and Lisa. We make eye contact once in a while.

"You have some explaining to do mister!!"

"I do?" I asks bebe cinfused

"Yes! Rebecca told me you made out with-" I cover her mouth before see can finish.

"Made out with who?!" Kenny asks looking at me

People are looking this way now. I only told Rebecca cause she saw!! I promised Stan not to tell anyone.

"Bebe!! I hadn't made out with anyone!!" She licks my hand and I pull away discusstdd,

"What about Stan?" She asks her voice lowered to a whisper. I blush

"YEAH IT TRUE!!!!" Bebe shouts fangirling "this is your real first guy kiss!" No it's not. my real first guy kiss was with cartman when he did that stupid song thing a year ago he kissed me to prove his point. don't get me wrong I have kissed girls before.

Those girls happen to be my best friends, but I've kissed Wendy and last year red kissed me and lisa.

"You kissed him and you didn't tell us?!" Kenny says loudly god now everyone is looking.

"YES! I MEAN NO!" I say

"awww! That's so cute!" I'm going to kill Rebecca


I know it's short but it's to make up for not posting in a while


Let Me Love You (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanXKyle}Where stories live. Discover now