Chapter 10

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Bebes pov

I march my way down to Kyle house. I knock in the door and his mum answers.

"Hi.. can I speak with Kyle?" I asks she nods

"Bubby!! Bebe is here to see you!" She shouts

Kyle comes down stairs and I walk in. he's blushing probably from the nickname.

"I need to talk to you!!" I say picking him up and throwing him over my shoulder.


"Kyle do you even eat?! You don't weigh anything."

"See bubby. you have to eat more." his mum says shaking her head she walks into the kitchen.

"Come on ky. were having a girl talk." I say heading up the stairs

"Define girl talk." he says not struggling anymore. I enter his room and put him on the bed

"Why you pissed of at Stan?" I ask going to shut the door.

He blushes "I wasn't"

"Don't lie to me ky! Girl talks are the truth and truth only!!"

He blushes "ugh. fine. he went way to far in kissing. you don't even understand. then when I got away from him. he said I love you... His hands were all over me. I didn't like it. I though I would but.." he shudders and I put my arm around him.

"You don't have to bring up that kyle." he nods

"When he said I love you I didn't say it back. you don't just blurt those words out anywhere. I thought I'd be happy. but when I got home I read TheCrews new post.." he whispers the last part.

"THEY SAID HE WAS TREATING ME LIKE ONE OF HIS FLINGS!!! {there 14 aren't they? I think.}

"How could they know?" I ask him softly. he calms a little.

"They had evidence. one of them apparently saw us paintballing, they got a picture and put it next to one of him and party nelson, then him and Wendy and finally him an red. they all looked the same but in different locations"

"Aw ky, this is getting out of hand. you need someone who will treat you right. I've been with a lot of the guys at South Park high and let's just say, most of them are twats" he laughs a little.

"What about Elliott dawson? {if you know him tell me :)} " Kyle shakes his head

"Taken by a tenth grader. { IM NOT AMERICAN OK?! THIS GRADE SHIT IS CONFUSING ME} not that I like him anyway"

"Craig?" I wiggle my eyebrows

"We do NOT bring that up bebe!!"

That's how we spend the rest of the night. laughing, joking and messing around


Is it weird I ready know how I'm gonna end this book and I have a third one planned out? It's not over yet though. cya later nerdz
Just sayin the pictures are usually hints to future chapters...


Let Me Love You (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanXKyle}Where stories live. Discover now