Chapter 5

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Kennys pov

The next mornin me and Rebecca tried our best to get detetntion. swearing intentionally In front of the teachers, dropping rubbish hell we even started a food fiight.

We didn't get blamed though. cartman hit the principle so he got in trouble. it's bull. I walk around the corridor at break to get to my locker. kyles leaning against it on his phone.

"You always have to lean against something don't you?" I ask. he jumps and nearly drops his phone.

"Jesus Christ kenny!"

I chuckle and open my locker. I groan an slam it shut. Kyle look confused

"I forgot my maths book. AGAIN!" I groan frustrated.

It may be held together with tape and it's got rude drawings and words on from being passed on from my brother, but it's my only maths book.

I hit the locker angerily




"Ughhh" the teacher looked impressed then walked off.

"Aw come on!!" I turn around to see Rebecca pouting. me and Kyle laugh.

"I don't see why you both want detention." Kyle said scrolling through his phone. I lean on the locker next to him. Kyle leans his head on my shoulder.

"What if I..." Rebecca kicks a locker. we wait. nothing

"FUCK ME ANYONE!!" She shouted. nothing

"I'll take up that offer" someone says. I look were the voice came from to see a blonde girl. she's smirking

Rebecca blushes "LIZ!! Guys this is Elizabeth."

"Or liz. and I think you just hurt my locker." she says motioning to the now dinged locker Rebecca kicked. she smiles sheepishly.

"Sorry. I want a detention."

"Its fine. I was just putting my gym kit in there." she says. Opening the locker and shoving it in there.

"You look familiar..." I say to her

"Same with you. I've seen you around were I live.." she says

"Do you live near dangerous hobos?" I asks and she nods

"The one named Joe throws bottles at kids?" I nod

"Yeah, remember I helped you look for some clothes, the ones your wearing now actually." I say motioning to her all black outfit. she smiles.

"Rebecca you said you want detention?" Liz asks

"Yeah. will you help me? Pleeeease?" She asks putting on puppy eyes.

"Since your puppy eyes are so cute, sure let's go" liz says taking Rebecca's hand and pulling her away

"BYE GUYS!" Rebecca shouts

Kyle growls. I raise an eye brow at him. he points at Stan and Wendy flirting.

"I hate that look he gives her. it's so sexy, he should be giving me that look. I wouldn't break up with him, or cheat on him. she's a bitch. he's just too dumb to think straight and stay away from her." Kyle says quite clearly jealous.

"Ky, you need to calm yourself." bebe says walking up to us "and look at this." she shows him her phone I peer at the screen along with kyle. TheCrew updated

"We have an update on how Kyle broflovski thinks about Stan marsh and Wendy testaburger. the extra link is a video on our youtube channel to his exact words."kyle mumbles

"Click the video." I say and bebe taps it it's the exact thing that happened a few minuets ago. it's like 50 seconds long but still.

People laugh and snicker around us. we look around to see Wendy blushing and looking angry while the people laughing are on there phones. Wendy looks over here. and starts to walk over here. I notice that even Stan is laughing.

"Shit. bye guys! I've gotta go!" Kyle says running away. people start to laugh even more.

"Dude, Kyle might be gay, but he's funny as fuck" someone says

"Bebe!!! Where did that fucker go?!" Wendy asks. bebe shrugs

"Why do you want to know?" She asks


"Because you are." bebe stats. I high five her

"Truth." I say she laughs

"Get lost Wendy. I don't want you and your fake boobs around here." she says

She growls, flipping her hair and storming off.

"I hope Kyle can run fast." bebe says I laugh

"He's not the best on the basketball team for nothing." I answer and she nods leaning against the lockers.

"Hey kenny..." a voice shouts and I look to see Stan. I'm shocked

"What do you want?" I ask. he looks at his feet and starts to talk


There you go nerdz! I'm sorry it took so long to update and this is kinda short but I'm truly loving writing this story. thanks for all the support and nice comments so far. Look at those goths. that's my crew that is. :)


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