Chapter 6

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Rebecca's pov

I'm being dragged into an empty classroom by liz.

"If you want detention, set of the fire alarm. or chuck water at the principle. or start a fight. or you could even-" I cut her off by talking

"I'll chuck water at principle victoria." she pouts cutely

"Lame. I would've set the fire alarm off."

"Well I don't want to get expelled" she shrugs

"But still..." I laugh and we exit the room

I walk over to a water fountain and root in my bag for a water bottle. I pull out the pink cup and liz laughs

"Hey don't dis pink liz, you don't understand" she smiles and I fill up the bottle

"I will dis pink all I want. black all the way" she says

"Yas!! I like you!" Lamb says walking past liz laughs

"Thanks! You ain't bad yourself. your actually really pretty. and I'm not joking." lamb laughs.

"Thanks! Your really cute, but I'm straight" she smiles and liz laughs

"Pity" she says jokingly.

I drop the water bottle angrily. why would she. ugh! I slam my hands down on the water fountain. it turns on and I apart it in the direction of lamb. it wets her hair.

"Rebecca!! What the actual fuck!?" She shouts glaring at me. her dark make up is running down her face. she grabs a coke bottle from her bag and chucks the liquid at me. I scream. it's on my clothes and in my already frizzy brown hair.

"YOU BITCH!!" I shout and lunge at her pulling her hair. she scratches me and I hiss.

She's a bigger built girl then me. she's taller and stronger. not to mention she weighs more. I'm a scrawny just turned 13 year old. she 14 and 15 in a few months.

"Girls!! Stop this mkay!!! You young ladies aren't nent to act like this! mkay!!" Mr Mackey tries to brake us apart but fails having ms. chokesondik to eventually pulls is apart.

"It was her!! She fucking through water at me for no fucking reason!!" I don't say anything. she's right. I was jealous. that's why.

I like her. I do. that, what happened over there is proof. I have feelings for a girl that has flirted openly with a straight girl. she's done it with me too. I can't keep flipping out like that every time. I wipe my bloody nose and look at lamb. her tanned skin is showing because her make up has been smudged and rubbed off. she also has a busted lip and her hair is a mess. her goth friends and boyfriend rush over to her. really token?

Kenny and bebe rush to my side.

"Rebecca! Are you alright? We heard what happened" bebe says

"Kyle is dealing with a very pissed off Wendy so he can't be here right now" kenny Says and I nod

"It okay. it not that bad I've only got a nose bleed." I say again wiping my nose on my sleeve.

Bebe tuts rooting in her purse and pulling out some tissues handing them to me.

"Your gonna ruin your sweater even more."

"Rebecca are you okay?" Liz runs over and hugs me I hug her back.

"Why did you fight lamb? That's Stan cousin you know. and she's captain I the girls soccer team." kenny says.

She's Stan's cousin?! No one told
me!! I'm fucked.

Stan's over there now. he looks angry. well I'm dead. he stomps over here. he gets to me and towers over me. why are the marshes so tall!?

"Hi.." I say. I mentally slap myself. hi?! Is that the best I could fucking do?!

"Stay the fuck away from my cousin! or I'll make you"

"You can't hit a girl Stanley, and if you do it is against my nature to make a gay bashing comment but I'll do it!" Bebe threatens. Stan rolls his eyes.

"I can hit a girl. her and Kyle hit eachother." Stan says

"Well me and Kyle do it jokingly. he doesn't hurt me" I snap

"Kyle is weak any way"

"Oh really?" The familiar voice of Kyle sounds out. he glares at Stan

"I remember a very true argument we had in fourth grade were I kicked your ass" he comments Stan huffs

"Yeah, you totally did. Your to scrawny to now. and by the way, Kyle tomorrow night, out mums and lambs are having dinner together. we have to go aswell" stan says

"Don't we have a detention tomorrow?" Kyle asks

"Fuck the detention. let's live life dangerously." Stan says and Kyle holds a laughs

"Yeah, we rebels" after kyle says that he starts giggling aswell as stan. they look each other and blush.


Yaaaassss! First separate romance chapter. liz you little flirt you. what's been your favourite part off the story so far? Another side romance might be kennyxhana but I'm not sure. I want to do a QnA when I reach 1k votes all together. so ask me some questions about me please!! Thanks for the support!!

Cya later nerdz

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