Chapter 9

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Rebecca's pov

Today had been one of the best days ever. I fan ally made my move and kissed Liz!! Your probably thinking tahr it's way too early and we just met and if so, fuck you.

We went paint balling after detention. it was part of kennys birthday. it was kinda like that moment in that movie called ten things I hate about you. me, Kyle, kenny, bebe, Stan (who only came with much persuading from kyle) {STOP DIRTY MINDED FREAKS LIKE MYSELF} and liz went. we were in teams of 3. me, bebe and Stan vs Kyle, kenny and liz. I was going after liz, Stan after Kyle and bebe after kenny.

We were doing pretty well. we had lost Stan to Kyle (because they were making out in a pile of hay.) and bebe had spilt. she saw kenny and bolted since she needed ammo. And I didn't see liz coming when she tackled me to the floor. falling in a pile of hay. they was hay in my hair and she picked it out giggling. that's when I did it. I leaned it and captured he lips with mine.

She kissed back!! It was magical. but unfortunately bebe had to ruin everything. in the end liz was the one who asked me out. well more like demanded I go out with her. I did of course.

I remember when Kyle and Stan came back Kyle looked pissed off. he stayed away from Stan and clung to kenny constantly. Glaring at Stan half the time. Stan looked angry and guilty.

I break out of my day dream when my phone beeps. I peer at the text from bebe

Bebe: wat happen with Stan n Kyle?

Rebecca: idk should we ask

Bebe: yes

Rebecca: but wat if it's non of our consern

Bebe: my little ky is always my consern. I'll check it out.

Rebecca: u sure?

Bebe: yep luv u X

Rebecca: <3

I put my phone down. did Stan and Kyle have an arguement? Ugh. now I'm even more curious. I put on my music and flip through a magazine.

There's a knock at my door and I yell to tell who ever it is it's open. my brother walks in.

"Hey rebecca." he says

"Hai" I say not looking from the magazine

"Umm. sorry about this but." he turns if the music and snatches the magazine.

"What the fuck?!"

"language!! Anyway you need to stay away from that Kyle boy."

I raise an eyebrow "he's gay. he's not gonna make a move on me"

"That's why you should stay away from him. remember what mother and father said. gay is a sin, a curse. it's not right. they chose the wrong path."

"Shut the fuck up." I say glaring.

"Language Rebecca!! And you can't argue. why on earth he would chose to be sinful Is beyond me"

I stand up my fist clenched "how could you be so horrible?! You mother fucker. he didn't chose to be gay!! You didn't chose to be gay! Imagine if you were in his shoes! He gets so much hate and torment!! Get the fuck out of my sight you asshole." I growl.

He leaves the room and before slamming the door adds "your going to hell. I've seen what you've done."



The picture has nothin to do with anything I just love it.
What's her brothers name? Ugh it's annoying me that I don't know. thanks for the support!

Cya Later Nerdz!


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