Grand final!!

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Stan's pov

Me and Kyle have been steady for a month. no arguments or anything. I'm scared though. is Kyle finally letting me love him?

I don't want to ask. what if he flips out like he always does? I'm on my way to his place right now. I approve the green house and knock on the door, kyle opens it and pulls me in smiling.

"Ignore ma and Ike arguing. Ike wants a ps4" he says rolling his eyes

"Didn't he get an oxbow one like a week ago?" Kyle nods

"Yeah, now you said you wanted to tell me something important?"

"Yeah I do." I bring Kyle into his room and take hold of both of his hands looking into his emerald green eyes.

"Kyle I know it's been a month with no arguments and I know these words might start one but Kyle Broflovski, I love you. I love you so damn much. will you let me love you?" I ask still looking into his eyes.

His face is bright red. please don't be from anger, please dot be from anger, a few minutes of silence go by and I sigh. letting go of his hands.

"Sorry kyle, I'll just go. I won't bother you anymore


Kyles pov

{hell no I wasn't going to end it off there}

Instead of words I look at Stan silently. I walk up to him and wrap my arms around him kissing him.

"Yes Stan."

"Huh?" He says confused

"I love you."

Stan smiles and pulls me into a kiss.


doooone!! I'll tell y'all about the sequel in a next chapter. know I has a question.

Favourite part of let me love you?

I'll let you know next update.


Let Me Love You (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanXKyle}Where stories live. Discover now