Chapter 7

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Kyles pov

The bell rang. my face is red along with Stan's. we haven't laughed together in ages. I smile at him as bebe pulls my arm leading me to sport, our next lesson.

"That was weird" bebe says

"How?" I ask going to my locker and grabbing my gym kit.

Bebe grabs hers along with kenny and continues. "you know, he actually laughed. I haven't heard him laugh like ht since you stopped being friends."

I shrug "everyone laughs bebe"

"Yeah but I agree with her. when he looked at you it was different." kenny comments

I blush "whatever" I say entering the guys changing room and getting dressed.

People might think and actually they do think that I stare at the guys in the changing room. I don't fucking do that. these people used to be my friends and they haven't noticed that I've always been gay when I hung around and had fun with them. I have to admit though.. cartman has a small 4 pac shaping and it's pretty hot.

"Alright you bunch of superstars!! Were playing dodgeball!! In the sports hall. let's go!" Coach shouts and I groan

"But coach! You know I'm a main target!" I say to him pouting

"You'll have to dodge then won't you broflovski?"

"Yes sir" I mutter moving away from the bastard and closer to kenny.

Like very close to kenny. when we picked teams we were thankfully on the same team. rebbeca and bebe are on the opposite team.

"3! 2! 1! Dodgeball!!" Caliche shouts and as soon as he finishes six or seven balls are chucked just at me. Coach has a shocke look on his face and I give him a look saying 'I told you so.' I fall to the floor dodging four more.

I get up quickly as a ball nearly hits me and I jump on kenny.

"Ahh! KY!!" Kenny says laughing and nearly fall over. I wrap my legs round his waist refusing to move,

Stan's pov

{Comanche some hardcore jealousy}

I growl as I throw a ball it hitting bebe in the chest.

"My boobs! YOU BASTARD!" She yells and people laugh.

"HA HA that's what you get bitch!!" Kyle shouts. I look at him and my anger boils. why in the actual fuck is he clinging to kenny?!

I grab a ball from Clyde's hands and chuck it at kenny. it hits him hard. Kyle quickly get off of him and inspects his arm. it's bright red. that's what he gets for being all over Kyle!

"Dude, why you hit kenny?" Clyde asks

"He deserved it." I say angrily

Clyde takes a few steps back next to craig. the game has been put on pause so coach can have a look at kenny. Kyle looks over here his eyes meeting mine. his emerald eyes darken as he rushes over hear.

"What the fuck Stan?!" Kyle says anger clear in his eyes.

He looks so cute when angery..... NOPE GAY THOUGHTS EW EW EW.

"What?" I ask looking anywhere but him.

"Look at me and tell me why you hit kenny!!" I don't look at him.

"I just wanted too."

"Er, Stan I've known you since kindergarten tell me the truth." he says taking ahold of my chin and making me look him in the eyes. our face are so close and I see his eyes glance at my lips.

"I.. I. UGH" I say a blush forming on my cheeks. people are watching now.

"Tell me." he orders looking cu- NO I WILL NOT THINK THOSE FUCKING GAY ASS THOUGHTS.

He gives me the look that makes me squirm. "uhh. ok! I was angry!!" I say

"You weren't only angry. I can see it in your eyes Stan. you were-" I cover his mouth and drag him to the outside area of the sports hall.

"Okay.. I was jealous." I say quietly

"Why?" He asks softly. he look at me with those damn eyes. butterflies flutter in my stomach and his eyes make me melt. OH MY GOD STOP!

"I.. Isawyouwithkenny" I say quickly

"What? Stan please do-" it's like I don't have control over what I'm doing as I grab kyles hands and pull him into a kiss


Aw! That's cute!! Sorry it's so short I needs to watch jonjuo romantica if that's how you spell it.


Let Me Love You (COMPLETED)(South Park) {StanXKyle}Where stories live. Discover now