Part 5

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Bucky led Lilly into the kitchen were Tony sat on the stool, elbows leaning on the island counter.

"Good morning peanut," Tony said getting up from his seat towards his daughter. He gave her a tight hug.

"I'll see you later doll, I have things to do," Bucky spoke up. Tony let go of Lilly and hummed for a response.

"See you later," Lilly said heading to the fridge, not looking at Bucky.

He narrowed his eyes and walked off. Tony went back to his seat and slouched down. "So wanna tell me what's going on between you to," he smirked at her.

She rolled her eyes and turned to face him whilst holding a bottle of apple juice, "nothing he's just super flirty."

"What ever you say peanut, I know your strong both physically and mentally but if he hurts you in any way I will kill him if you haven't already," he stated very seriously.

She gave a little huffed laugh and rolled her eyes. "I know dad," she stood frozen for a minute, she didn't mean to call him dad yet, did he want to be called that?

Tony's eyes widened at her but his smile grew bigger on his face. He got up from his seat and pulled her into a tight hug. "I love you 3000 Lilly."

"Tony Stark showing his emotions, I'm in shock," Natasha laughed as she walked into the kitchen looking at Tony and Lilly still hugging. "Sorry to ruin the moment but Tony you should see this."

Tony pulled back from the hug and grabbed Lilly's hand as he started following Natasha. They walked through the hallways and slowed down to the conference room. Everyone was sat in there. Everyone whipped their head and looked Lilly up and down.

"Oh this is my daughter I was telling you about ladies and gentlemen, meet Lilly," Tony smiled.

"Hello," everyone said at the same time.

Tony sat on the sofa behind everyone, Nat at the front with Steve and Lilly sat in the empty seat between Thor and Loki. Loki wasn't usually allowed to the meetings but Thor insisted.

"Hello darling," he stated in a clear English accent. Lilly was half British cause her mother was from London and half American cause of her father.

"Hi," she smirked. Before they could get a real conversation going Nat interrupted them.

"So basically, Lilly welcome to the team," she started as Lilly's eyes widened already, "me, Steve and Bruce was looking at your test results and something unexpected came up."

"Why didn't you tell me first Natasha," Tony said getting rather angry. Lilly was feeling extremely confused at this point.

"I'm telling you now," Natasha spoke with sass.

"In front of everyone, real way to make someone feel comfortable," Tony spat getting up from his seat and walking to the front.

"Everyone needs to know what they gonna live with," Natasha said as nicely as possible.

"Oh fuck the devils, can you just ladies stop and tell me please," Lilly huffed getting impatient.

"Devil?" Thor said looking confused.

"Don't believe in god," Lilly spoke clearly.

"But you believe in the devil."

"He's misunderstood and everyone hates him for something he didn't want to do," Lilly said pretty quickly while Nat handed Tony a clipboard with her test results on.

"Sympathy for the devil, I like it," Thor smiled. "Well you can rely on the God of Thunder now."

"You know it," she smiled.

Bucky Barnes  fanfic// We're all broken that's how the light gets inWhere stories live. Discover now