Part 15

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"Steve," Lilly said weakly. He looked down at her and noticed she had been shot in the left rib. He panicked for a second before picking her up and bringing her inside.

"TONY, BUCKY!" Steve shouted over the music. The music was so loud they didn't hear the gunshot.

"What the fuck happened?" Tony said applying pressure to the wound.

"I-I don't know we was just sat outside then a gun went off," Steve said looking around for Bucky. He spotted him talking to Wanda but Wanda told him what she heard through the loud thoughts what happened as he sprinted through the crowd.

"Steve?" He said kneeling on the floor near her head and stroking her hair. "It's going to be okay baby I promise just stay awake."

"Steve get the guests out of here and Wanda get the first aid kit," Tony demanded.

The guests was piling out the room very quickly away from the sight of Lilly. Wanda got the first aid kit and Bruce was called over.

"Do we know who it was," Bruce called as he got the scissors out and cutting the dress where the wound is.

"I-I really liked this dress fucking b-bastards," Lilly joked as best as she could.

"Lilly morphine isn't gonna work for you so this will hurt," Bruce said carefully.

He put the tweezers in and Lilly screamed out in pain, blood gushing out.

"She's loosing a lot of blood Bruce," Tony said holding Lilly's hand.

"Someone get her a A+ blood bag now," Bruce yelled.

"No one is an A+ Bruce," Clint yelled.

"Clint what are you doing here," Steve asked from across the room.

"I'll explain later," he replied.

"Is anyone here an A+?" Tony cried out.

"Tony I've got all the blood-," Bruce tried to say.

"I am," Bucky said.

All heads turned to Bucky.

"But I've got your- ooooohhhh, he never got his blood done," Bruce realised.

"Hurry she's gonna pass out," Bucky stressed.

Natasha quickly hooked Bucky up and it was quickly taking blood. A few minutes later they had all they needed for now and then Bucky had to rush her to the medical unit. Bruce had called his team to do an emergency surgery.

A few hours had passed, Bucky, Tony and Steve were all waiting outside the room they had to perform surgery. It was 2:57am when Bruce finally came out. All three men stood up.

"Okay so," Bruce started, "the bullet has been removed, it broke her rib pretty bad but thanks to Bucky's blood transfusion it's near enough healed already."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief before Bruce continued.

"Tony if you want to look at the bullet they shot her with it might give us a lead but other than that she's fine and should be waking up any second now."

"Thank you," Bucky said sincerely.

"Anytime," Bruce smiled as he walked off.

Tony, Bucky and Steve all walked in together very quietly. Bucky and Tony sat on the chairs while Steve stood against the doorframe. Tony held her hand and pulled it to his face, kissing her knuckles repeatedly.

"We'll give you some time alone," Bucky said to Steve, he got up and placed his flesh hand on Tony's shoulder silently telling him it's going to be okay. Steve and Bucky both sat back down in the waiting room while Tony began to talk to Lilly.

Bucky Barnes  fanfic// We're all broken that's how the light gets inWhere stories live. Discover now