Part 7

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They all sat on the dark grey sofas that made a circle and a big coffee table in the middle, that was now covered in all sorts of Chinese food. Lilly was sandwiched between Thor and Loki, they were all laughing and talking about embarrassing things.

Bucky was just sat there staring at Lilly laughing away as he ate his food. He could see Loki feeding Lilly a few things off his plate, they were just messing about but obviously he got jealous.

Lilly got up from her seat and went over to the kitchen to grab a drink, Bucky got up as well because he was 'thirsty'.

"Having fun doll," he said grabbing a glass from the cupboard.

"Yeah are you?" She said pouring herself a glass of coke, Keanu sat right next to her feet like always.

"Not as much as you," he said with pure jealousy.

"Your not jealous are you?" She laughed a little.

"Of course he is Lily. He's so obsessed with you and your sitting between two good looking guys," Keanu said making Lilly belly laugh.

"Maybe your right," Lilly said looking up at Bucky who was leaning against the counter where your drink was.

"What are you two talking about?" He said feeling left out of the conversation he didn't know the two were having.

"Oh nothing," she said biting her lip. She got real close to him, the eye contact wasn't broken she leaned in and so did he. He was confused when she pulled back then soon realised when she bought her drink to her lips and took a small sip. "You didn't think we was gonna kiss there, did you?"

"Go back to your boyfriend, I'm sure he's missing you," Bucky joked.

"Your jealous," before he could answer she walked away from him. He didn't look anywhere apart from how bad ass she looked. All dressed in black, red lipstick, a fucking tiger walking beside her. Wow.

The night was going really smooth. Everyone soon retired to their bedrooms after their feast. Lilly and Thor were having a nice drink in the rec room. Thor didn't get drunk at all but Lilly was feeling a little tipsy. They were talking about almost everything. Keanu was asleep next on the floor beside the stool she was sitting on.

"Your like the coolest guy I've ever met," Lilly said gazing at the literal god standing in front of her.

"Someone has to be," he said brushing of his shoulders. He was smiling at Lilly when his eyes was caught with something standing in the doorway, he stood up straight and wiped the smile off his face. Lilly quickly noticed and turned around to see a very beautiful Bucky Barnes standing in just black joggers that was hung low around his waist showing off his very sharp v-line.

"Hey," Lilly said raising her glass then taking a sip.

"I'll leave you two to talk," Thor said quickly running out of the awkward situation. "I'll see you later Lilly." Then he was gone.

"Don't you think you've had enough," Bucky said stalking over to Lilly. He stood over her as she was still sat on the stool.

"I'm not drunk Bucky," she kinda slurred her words. She stood up well she tried, she swayed a little before nearly falling but Bucky was there to steady her.

"Your drunk Lilly."

"Fine I'll fall my way to my room, Keanu baby wake up we going to bed now," she drunkly laughed. She nearly fell again when she pushed Bucky away from her so he decided to pick her up and carry her.

She buried her head into his bare chest, he was unnaturally warm. Her hands were wrapped around his neck and she fell asleep in his arms. He looked down at her and smiled to himself. He kicked her door open and pulled back her covers trying not to wake her up. He laid her down and pulled off her shoes tossing them next to the big bed. He pulled the covers over her cold skin then kissed her forehead and slowly walked away.

Bucky Barnes  fanfic// We're all broken that's how the light gets inWhere stories live. Discover now