Part 27

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Few weeks later...

"Bucky you don't have to do-," Lilly started to say but cut herself off as she knew he wouldn't listen as of right now.

Bucky had not stopped doing things to the house to baby proof it and putting toys together, buying 'Daddy's Angel' baby grows and other countless baby stuff. He is so happy that Lilly was having a baby and they would find out the gender tomorrow. Lilly knew that tonight's sleep wouldn't be a sleep at all but more off a short nap, if she was lucky enough.


"What's the bet it's another girl?" Bucky asked curiously. It broke Lilly's heart how he said 'another', it made her feel the sorrow that she though was buried deep down. She smiled sadly and shrugged.

"Maybe it's a boy this time," she sighed as she whispered looking over to Bucky to find him already looking at her as if she was the first human he's ever seen. As if he fell in love all over again.

"Your beautiful."

Her heart fluttered and so did her stomach.  She smiled so brightly that she forgot about her sadness for that minute and got lost into his gorgeous blue eyes.

"Your handsome."

Bucky sighed, "I know."

He pretended to wipe a tear away that wasn't even there, just being dramatic. "So," he dragged the 'o' on, "boy or girl?"

"Ugh Bucky, my love please let me sleep," she said rolling over with her back facing Bucky but he didn't like that so he pulled her back onto his chest. Her head resting carefully on his chest as she snuggled into him, chasing the warmth and his smell. He pressed light kisses to her head and soon they both drifted off to sleep.

"Goodnight my angels," he whispered in her hair. "I love you both."


"The baby looks and sounds healthy," the doctor explained moving around to see the baby through the screen via the ultrasound, "are you ready for me to announce the gender?"

"Yes," Bucky said all to quickly before adding, "please."

Lilly nodded and held her breath unknowingly. The doctor moved the ultrasound machine to get move the view of the baby.

"It's a girl," she said then went on to explain a bit more. Lilly zoned out and couldn't hear anyone or anything, she was so excited but yet so scared.

"My girls," Bucky whispered smiling then reaching over to kiss Lilly on the forehead.

"I'll leave you two alone for a minute. I'll have these printed off for you," the doctor said and left the room quietly.

"It's a girl Buck," Lilly said finally looking over to him. "We're having a baby girl."

"Yes we are," he smiled placing a hand on Lilly's stomach and leaned down to whisper, "I can't wait to meet you baby girl."


"It's a girl," Bucky and Lilly said in unison.

The sound of cheers of the family increased as they started to congratulate both Bucky and Lilly.

"Oh I'm gonna be an auntie," Wanda said placing a hand on Lilly stomach. She moved and hugged Bucky and placed a small kiss on his cheek. "Well done."

"Well I'm going to be the cool aunt obviously," Nat rolled her eyes but flashed them with a cheeky grin.

Lilly moved to whisper in Bucky's ear, "I'm not sure about letting Nat babysit."

"Agreed," Bucky said almost to quickly.

A few hours dragged on happily with many laughs. Everyone was drinking apart from Lilly obviously. It was late in the evening, darkish blue sky with no stars as the city lights were to much for them. Near enough everyone was drunk apart from Bucky, he was just a little bit tipsy.

"Ugh I hate not being able to drink," Lilly slid down in her seat and crossed her arms.

Steve laughed at her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "cheer up only few months left to go."

"Still to long."

"Fair enough. I could never squeeze a baby out of me, this is why I know women are stronger than men," Steve waffles on.

"You speak facts Captain America," Lilly smiled.

"I'm a true feminist," Steve smiled sipping on his alcoholic beverage.

"I love you lots Steve and I know you'll be a great uncle," Lilly smiled at the closet thing she'll have to a brother.

"I love you to and you are a fantastic mother," he whispered kissing her on the cheek and putting his arm around her.

"I miss her," Lilly whispered as her throat went dry at the mention of her little girl, "if I had just-."

"You couldn't have known."

She nodded burying her face into his side and hugging him tighter. Bucky who sat on the opposite sofa, next to Tony and Thor, smiled to Steve to thank him for talking with his wife.

Lilly got up a few minutes later to get a glass of water from the kitchen. She reached up and got a glass and turned the tap on and began filling it when she felt his two strong arms snake around her waist. His palms sprawled out on her stomach feeling her baby bump and was kissing her neck.

"Your beautiful baby mama," he whispered in her ear. She smiled and leaned back into him after turning the tap off.

"Mmm i don't think I'm used to that name yet," she giggled. Suddenly she felt a soft kick from her stomach. Bucky straightened up and let go of her.

"What was that," he asked, eyes wide with shock.

"T-the baby," Lilly whispered whisky placing her hand on her stomach. The baby kicked again. "Bucky."

He placed his hand gently on her stomach laughing as the baby kicked again. He was now stood in front of his wife and they leaned into each other's touch and placed their foreheads together. Their hands still on her stomach, smiling as they did.

"What are we going to call her, doll?" Bucky whispered.

"I'm not sure?" She questioned herself.

"How about Ava Marie Barnes," he pounded out loud, "just a thought I don't th-."

"I love it," Lilly said smiling and hugging him closer.

Ava Marie Barnes.


I apologise so much for not posting. We have one more chapter to go. And sorry for the short chapter.

This is the most cringiest thing I have ever written like the whole entire book is wtf. But anyways.

I'm thinking mafia Barnes next😏

Bucky Barnes  fanfic// We're all broken that's how the light gets inWhere stories live. Discover now