A Dynamite Night

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    Bai Qi  finished  all the things he need to be done  in his office and prepare  for his date tonight.

   "Honey Bun tonight you will see the real Bai Qi! I'm not that little fatso you know? I have many admirers  than you! And you will grovel at my feet!" He smirk.

   When Bai Qi  and Yezun arrive at the well known restaurant. Yezun just was expecting  a quiet moment  with Bai Qi.  He didn't  know it was a ball with many people. And was shocked to see many acquaintance of Bai Qi  was there and his other past  lovers.

   Yezun was bit jealous  seeing his ex flirt with him. When one of them want to dance with him, Yezun suddenly  pulled Bai Qi  to him. "Get your own date girl! Or I might scratch your face!" The girl snub him and left. Bai Qi  chuckled, "Your having fun on this are you?" Yezun  frown.

   "What are you talking about?!" And look innocently  to him. "I'll make you regret looking at other women!" He pulled Bai Qi for a dance. Everybody was awe on how Yezun dance and swinging his hips while twirling around with Bai Qi.

   Bai Qi  was amused  on what's  Yezun been doing. Making him sway to the dance as well. As everybody beat to his rythm  and have fun on the dance floor. Bai Qi  never felt happy having fun in his life. Yezun bring back his happy childhood moments  when his still with him.

   Yezun on the other  hand never felt fighting for something  he like so much. Even dancing to the tune he didn't  know the step but just saw it in t.v.  He can't  loose holding Bai Qi's hands while his exes are just right around the corner waiting for him to do something  wrong to take Bai Qi  away from him.

    Until  the music change into a slow dance,  Bai Qi  is the one pulled Yezun to dance with him. "Your terrific! Who teach you to dance?" He ask. How can  Yezun said he just saw it in a t.v. just awhile ago. And remember  it step by step. "Well....you know me I'm a natural dancer!" He bragged  about it.

    When he didn't  expect to bumped  into his own ex, "Yezun! Hello cherry! Whose the new guy? If you finish dancing with him we can have a drink some where else? Do you like?"  Yezun shake his head, "Sorry Mark! I got a date!" When Bai Qi  cut him, "I'm his boyfriend Bai Qi!" He frown.

   Mark laugh, "Well every man Yezun date is his boyfriend? I'm also his boyfriend!" Mark said.  Bai Qi  want to punch  the guy but Yezun stop him. "Look Mark! It's  over  were through!  Bai Qi  is the one I want!" Mark frown and look at Bai Qi.  "That's  a joke! Hey pal! After this Yezun will change his boyfriend again! Mark my words!" And left. "That jerk! Please don't  believe  him Sugar Babe!" Yezun look at Bai Qi  who just nod at him.

    As they went to their table to order food. Mark's word kept repeating  to Bai Qi's  mind until a hand squeeze  his that breaked his thinking.  "Sugar Babe! Please stop thinking on what Mark said! I won't  replace you  with anyone!" Yezun smile at him making Bai Qi  chuckled  and relax. "I'm not thinking about that Honey Bun!" But still his afraid that  Mark's word might come true and he will be the one will be left broken....again.

    When the foods came Yezun spoon feed Bai Qi  making him all red. "I should be the one doing this to you!" Yezun laugh, "I'm your boyfriend  remember! So I have the right to spoon feed you!" And gave another food to him. When suddenly  the big screan came and the camera focus on the two love birds.

   Bai Qi  almost chocked  seeing the camera is focus on them. He forgot that they plan to humuliate Yezun and breaking his heart.  The dj interview  them, "So tell us sir are you two dating? Everyone  here are waiting to give their numbers to the two of you!"  Bai Qi  was about to answer when Yezun quickly snatched the microphone  making the dj shocked. "Yes we are dating! And this man Bai Qi  belong to me! Anyone who touches him will loose a hand!" He shout. Making Bai Qi's heart beat fast.

   Everyone  gasp when in a minute they shout and cheered for him. "Wait! This is not the plan?" The dj about to say as he tried to give the microphone  to Bai Qi.  But Yezun snatched  the microphone  back. And thanks the audience for the warm welcome.  Well not all the exes of Bai Qi  are not quite happy they were  expecting a different  story at the end of the party.

   But the revenge of Bai Qi have forgotten  again because of the charm and beauty of Yezun. As they came at the veranda were they drink and relax a bit while watching the firework  display outside.

    "Beautiful isn't  it?" Said Bai Qi.  "Is it me or the fireworks?" Ask Yezun. "Both!" That made Yezun frown a little.  "Okay I lied! Your much beautiful  than it!" That made Yezun lean and  kissed  his cheek.  Bai Qi  laugh a little.  "What's  that for?" He giggled  like a school girl who have his first kiss by his crush.

    Unaware,  Yezun pulled him by the waist and brought down his drink on the table to better kiss Bai Qi.  First it was a sweet and light kiss. But when Bai Qi  responded  back to him. Yezun can't  hold back as he pulled Bai Qi to heated one.

    Never did Yezun have fallen for someone so sweet and clinging.  He always despised  a person whose so clinging  to him. But why can't  he hate Bai Qi? Maybe because he look like someone he like or his sweet plump lips that soft and taste like cherries. Or his intoxicating manly scent that making him crazy for him that he wanted more.
But as they break the kiss, "Yezun ge! I want to tell you something!" Yezun widen his eyes when he hear what Bai Qi about to say.

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