Don't Upset My Wife

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    Bai Qi  tried to smile in the picture but failing, Yezun feeling his bride is very upset on what his ex have done to them.

   He tried to cheer him up by kissing and hugging.  "Please bear with it a little I'll make it up to you!" He whispered  to his ears but Bai Qi  is having a dilemma  if he chose the right path  in marrying Yezun. His friend Chuan signaling him to bail out in the marriage.

   Yezun saw this and signaling his gege to get rid  of Chuan. His gege eventhough  they're  not yet reconcile he didn't  want Bai Qi  to leave Yezun. It will jeopardize  Yunlan's  life again as Yezun will bug again his wifey. And he don't  like that. As he called Chu to take care of Chuan.

   Chuan was surprised  when he was taken away by Chu's men. Luckily  Yezun blocked  Bai Qi's  view when his best friend being taken away. Yezun suddenly  took the microphone  away from the emcee and wave to the band to play his favorite song, "Mirror by Justin  Timberlake." And sang it for his Sugar Babe.

   Shen Wei  almost protest, "Whatta?!!! That's  Ah Lan and my favorite song!" He want to shout to his didi in anger but Yunlan  stop his dear Xiao Wei.  And pointed out that Bai Qi  almost in tears of happiness when Yezun sing him that song. "Please forgive him Xiao Wei!" Yunlan hugged  his husband and kissed  him.

   "Didi! Is lucky to have you as his sister in law! That trouble maker!" And sit again in their seat. "Trouble maker?" Ask the innocent Yeng. "Yes little  one your father is a trouble maker!" Said Shen Wei.  "Xiao Wei! No! His just joking Yeng! Your father is an angel!" While Yunlan ruffling Yeng's hair. "Angel my foot!" Whispered  Shen Wei  to Yunlan. Who tried not to laugh.

   Yezun on the other hand serenade Bai Qi  until he pulled his husband to sing with him. "Look at our sons! I never knew this day would come? As I'm disappointed  when you have a son than a daughter to marry either one of my twins!" Said Mr. Shen to his friend Mr. Bai. "Luckily  my son is inlove with your son eventhough  they're  both  men? So our legacy of our friendship will not end with us! I hope Qi can control your son?" As he drink his wine.

   Mr. Shen frown with that, "Don't  worry I'll make it sure of it! And beside my son is crazy with yours!" As he toss his drink to him. "And Qi as well!" Said Mr. Bai.

    Everyone cheer and toss their drinks for the newly wed couple. But not all Li Zu, Bai Qi secretary  was crying at the corner. "Is this my fate?! I have lost him!" He tried to reach for Bai Qi in a dramatic way. But Butler Kim suddenly  said, "I won't  do that if I were you? The Shen  is a very influential  family! Did you see what happen to Mr. Bai Qi. I mean Mr. Shen Qi's best friend his been taken away and thrown  to somewhere else! We never know if will see him again?" And look at Li Zu who swallowed  back his tears, "Whose said I'm crying?! I'm not!" And tried to look tuft  while seeing his man of his dream being taken away by Yezun. He can't  help to cry while Butler Kim pat him, "There....there.... There's  still many fish in the ocean? You might find a shark one if you like?" Making Li Zu frown at him.

    As the last hour of the party finished  both Bai Qi and  Yezun went to their car to get to the airport to fly to their honeymoon destination. In Switzerland,  where his father Mr. Shen bought a castle for them. Great view of the mountains with a spectacular garden. But to Yezun is quite a nightmare he never like the out doors.

   "Wait?! Where not near the city or any mall or even the beach!!!"  Bai Qi  comfort his husband, "Hey! It's  not all bad? You got me all to yourself?" Yezun smirk on that. "Yeah! Your right! What would  go wrong?" And kissed  Bai Qi  passionately.

   Meanwhile  back to Shen's mansion , Yeng started to cry. For a three years old boy when he saw it's  getting dark. His looking for his mother. Yunlan carried the little  boy into his arms  and tried to comfort him. Making Shen Wei  irritated  on it. Because his wife attention  is on the little boy.  "Why can't  you leave him to our maids?! We have plenty here!"

   Yunlan suddenly  sush him, "Xiao Wei Darling! Yeng is looking  for his mother! I can't  let him be with the maid! We're  here for him! We are his family!" And started singing  a lullaby  to make the child sleep while giving  him some milk. But the boy kept crying making Shen Wei  stand up from his bed and walk to another room. He closed the door with a bang making the child cried even more.

   "Hush! Little  one! Your Shushu Wei is not mad to you! His only tired! So go to sleep." While cradling the child in his arms.

    In an hour Shen Wei  can't sleep without Yunlan beside him, "This is not my day!" He quickly got up and gone back to their room. Just to see Yunlan fell asleep with little  Yeng in his arms. Shen Wei's  face change. He can't  help to smile looking at uncle and nephew sleeping  peacefully beside each other. He sigh, "Ah Lan! What will I gonna do to you?

    I know you like little  Yeng! He reminds you of your little  didis. But one way the other.....Yeng will be given to Yezun and I don't  want to see you break your  heart on it!" He whispered  to the sleeping  Yunlan who only snoor in response to him.

    Back to the honeymooners, Yezun was preparing everything for this beautiful occasion. He made the wines cold and laid two glasses for the two of them on the table. As he look at the mirror to check himself, "Sugar Babe! You so lucky to have the most gorgeous  Honey Bun you'll ever have!" While spraying some perfume  on himself  as he waited for Bai Qi  to come out of the bathroom. Bai Qi  on the other hand as he almost finished up.  He accidentally break  the faucet making him scream in surprise as the water splash  on his face.

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