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*paloma faith's 'Loyal' is today's song so get it on :)*

Dianne's POV:

After filming the group dance I find myself by Joe's side once again applauding Paloma Faith who's beginning to perform her song whilst Johannes and Karen prepare to dance, I love this duet so much, it's the only contemporary piece I've seen here that wasn't cliched, shallow and over-placed. This one felt real, but the piano starts to muffle as my thoughts wander.

It's hard to explain what we have, Joe and I. It feels so special and so rare yet I couldn't actually tell you what "it" is really. He's one of my best friends I guess, we haven't known each other that long but in our little strictly bubble sometimes it feels like we're the only people on earth, even though we are keeping things casual behind the scenes.T he hours we spend lying in the studio, exhausted from rehearsals giggling about nothing and telling each other all of our stories until we can recall the most random facts about each other (he's fascinated by snails by the way). We even spend our time off together now, not just the evenings but some Sundays we head into town or we unwind from rehearsing with red wine and watching episodes of friends, it sounds boring but anything with us just feels exciting to me, it's kind of a new feeling.

Now we're sitting in Claudia's area waiting to find out who is in the dance off. The adrenaline from finding out we're through to next week is still coursing through me and from feeling Joe's tense stature beside me I assume it is still giving him a buzz too. We did it. That feeling that it's just the pair of us against the world causes the entire studio to go quiet in my head, leaving only the muffled sound of the piano and our heart beats ringing in my ears. I lock eyes with Joe and it feels like he knows exactly what I'm thinking, even if I'm not too sure myself. No one can know what we have. It's ours and I'm so fiercely protective that I won't even admit it to Joe, although I'm sure he feels the same...

This had week had been a rollercoaster, my favourite song and dance put pressure on Joe and he was really stressing about it from the beginning bless him. It was such a romantic routine and I was so worried for him and worried we wouldn't be able to continue our journey that admittedly I did have a few tears, but we got through it together with plenty of giggles- he really was my rock, even when I shout at him for doing the completely wrong steps (hehe). 

We lean into each other slightly, the pressure and heat of his body calms me and I return to the room, guided by his steadiness. Once out of sight we hold each other in a tight embrace, our breaths synchronised. I'm so lucky to have a friend like him, nothing else seems important. We leave Elstree Studio shattered and head back to Joe's flat to watch movies in his room as always, I probably fall asleep at some point during Wolf of Wall Street, maybe. In my last moments of consciousness I feel Joe stroke my hairline down to my temple over and over (if I could purr I would right now). He mumbles something to me but I don't catch it as I am too far into the clutches of my dreams.

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