keep rolling

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*ah the beginning of the end of the Strictly journey, for this one we thought we should slow it down with a smooth bit of Paolo Nutini ooooooo*


One thing that's been playing on my mind has been how much I'm going to miss dancing, it's really become such an enjoyable thing for me and has added so much excitement to my life. I turn over to my right to see Dianne sound asleep, wondering how many other people she will go on to teach after me, and how lucky I am to be able to be here with her. Upon reflection I am realising that Strictly has possibly been the most impactful experience of my life, I have made so many friends, learnt so much about myself and met the girl who I believe to be my soulmate.

Me, Joe Sugg in the final of strictly. I still can't really wrap my head around it. After our names were called we were both astounded, after the stunts we pulled in our dances and the feedback from the judges we surely thought we'd be out of there. But the universe has done well, we are able to see our story through to then end, and all I could have wished for was to see Dianne shine like she has been this week. It's been a bit of an emotional rollercoaster and I had to quietly leave group rehearsals in happy and overwhelmed tears when watching her get her feature moment, being one of the finalist pro dancers, I'm so proud of her, none of this would be possible without her, I owe her so much and she also gives me her love. I can't stop playing the word over in my head. Love, hah.

I lay for hours on Friday morning playing through the last 3 months over like an old home movie in my head. When Dianne wakes up she seems to know what I'm thinking about without even asking, so we lie there, enjoying our morning and each other's company before facing our last couple of days and enjoying every last second.

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