ivy & gold

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*an old classic from Bombay Bicycle Club, to lighten the mood :)*

At this point in the telling of our story I realise there's one very important aspect that we haven't talked about much yet: the wonderful people around us. Although during these three months we were largely in our own bubble, spending pretty much every waking moment together, we were also surrounded by the most supportive people, including a lot of crew members (not all of them were Sarahs).


Things finally begin to feel real, and I'm enjoying every second, it also really makes clear all the people we have supporting us, especially Stacy and Neil but really the whole cast and backstage team have been amazing. Word got out about the way Dianne was talked to and it was so warming to see everyone jump in our corner, like all these weeks of teasing and nudging us has really been just watching us fall in love. 

We get to work with Trent again for one of our dances which, as ever, was a delight but for the first time at the end of a session he sat us down for a more serious chat. 

'Guys, I've seen scenarios like this when the higher ups really feel like you owe them something, it happens a lot in television really, it can lead to terrible and toxic working conditions but you really can put your foot down in your own way because it's really not right to be treated like this, and that isn't the environment we've tried to make on Strictly'

Dianne and I look at each other, sensing that he is building to something 

'So this dance - if you're comfortable with it- can be your opportunity to flip off Sarah and her team of villains. It's sexy, it's passionate, and it's all within the guidelines of the dance so you can't really get in trouble for it so I want you guys to really focus on each other, it will really get people talking and show everyone why your chemistry is so electric- that's what gets the public's attention.'

And to be honest I feel like putting it like this is exactly what we needed, even though we both like to keep stuff between us private, it's refreshing to use this amazing thing we have to our advantage and to get a bit of subtle justice.

We even take this forward into vlogmas, still hiding our relationship but leaving enough in vlogs and posts for the twitter fans to do their thing and fill in the gaps. The week is pretty hot and heavy with such a romantic Viennese waltz and passionate Argentine tango, so we have our fun whilst also leaving in a few the parts of vlogs I'd normally edit out "accidentally". We giggle one night sat in bed going through our twitter mentions and seeing people getting very excited. We indulge in absolutely every second we have together this week, soaking in the romance and adventure of it all.

On Friday afternoon we're sat around waiting for the others to do their camera blocking and I finally get a chance to have a good laugh and a catch up with Stacy. She tells me the anecdotes of her and Kevin's week and I just sit back and enjoy her story telling and hilarious reactions to things like walking in on someone on the toilet or falling headfirst into a strangers boobs. Eventually she asks for the gos on this week and I tell her our plans for Saturday which practically makes her run around the room cheering for us. I laugh as she confuses everyone around us.


Our performance on Saturday rolls around and for the first time we are both so relaxed. We head onto stage and immediately I am lost in his blue eyes and the studio around us is a blur. We move and spin around the space as one and I feel so connected to this being even our breaths are united. The dance is romantic but with Joe it is full of real love and I think it shows because by the time we finish and head over to Tess the room is full of tears, it's nice to now that this thing that is so special to us shines and is so clear to other people too. As to be expected we're marked pretty harshly for the rise and fall thing even though Joe's completion of the dance was technically very good but we brush it off because of how perfect it was for us.

After being whizzed through hair and makeup we return for the Argentine tango and as Joe approaches me I can sense the tension around us that has spread to the whole studio as everyone seems to be holding their breath as Joe slide his hands across my body and presents me across the space. My heart was beating so hard afterwards, but I couldn't even feel the fatigue from the adrenaline. It kind of feels we just did something really naughty but exciting as we once again head over to Tess for the overly harsh comments (we could really tell the difference because usually the comments are tailored to the previous experience of the dancer which happened for Stacy and Lauren but not for Joe). I can help but keep beaming with pride which seems to cheer Joe up when he notices and hand in hand we face the rest of the evening together



Despite having the time of our lives and the best performances yet it's hard to fight off the nerves of being in the dance off with a belly full of dominos so once again I swerve the catering table. Dianne seems to do the same and we decide to head back to my dressing room where we just sit and hold each other. At this point I can't seem to get rid of the image in my head of Dianne returning to this competition year after year, if only I could join her, but I'll do everything I can to be the one supporting and loving her.


The time has come and we return for the results. As the dramatic music plays we brace ourselves, holding each other tightly as we wait to find out which of our friends are through to the finals when we hear it like music our ears. 

Joe and Dianne.

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