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*Bit of Lorde as things start to get a bit nostalgic, this song makes my chest feel all heavy can't lie*


The last week of rehearsals has begun and I can't help but feel sad it's ending. This season has been so special, that even the fact that I will be returning to the show next year doesn't make the sadness go away, because I can't relive these last few months over again. I try not to get too nostalgic because Joe and I have so much ahead of us, we've just planned a getaway with his sister and her boyfriend so I try to focus on that as we head to the studio for one of the last times. 

This week has truly been so wonderful, everyone around us is so supportive and it's been so much fun reliving the last few months with the others. We get to work with Jenny for the show dance as well as practicing our paso and charleston. It feels so surreal to think of Joe and Dianne in week 2 doing cotton eye joe, flirting and laughing in Lacock village hall- with no idea of what was ahead of them, so we're both a little emotional in rehearsals.

The week flew by and I felt like I barely had time to savour it before time slipped between my fingers and suddenly it's Friday. We spend the morning opening cards and presents sent to us, the amount of love and support shown to us has been insane it just adds to the fantasy of this experience. By the end of gasping, laughing and crying at beautiful drawings, flowers, messages and fish thongs (Joe calls them fish flops) we were left pretty stunned. 

The pros had a sweet Christmas gathering at lunch when I was able to give Grazianno the gift I got him for secret santa (he seemed very pleased with it get in Dianne).Katya hit it out of the park getting me a necklace commemorating this season saying Strictly Finalist 2018, which made me emotional again. She then told me to turn it over to see "fuck the haters!" written on the back which made me chuckle, a clear dig at Sarah which made everyone cheer as I read it out. And once again, being in a room full of people I care about that support me like this, makes me emotional once more. But to be fair my hands were still bright red from the stressful ordeal of dyeing Joe's hair in the hotel bathroom last night so everyone making fun of me helped me laugh through the tears.

I return to find Joe in his dressing room smiling at a drawing of us from week 1. I sink down beside him and we just sit enjoying the moment for a bit. Later we do a livestream on my instagram to say thank you for the support and we're called into makeup for it takes two.

Joe's been getting pretty teary too and keeps blaming it on tiredness, but I guess he's telling the truth because we've spent every evening this week reflecting on the last few months instead of sleeping. I look at him from across the room and smile as his hair is being combed and suddenly I feel like I'm closer to him than ever.


I really couldn't have prepared myself for the emotional journey that today was going to take me on. It started with the promotional photos, the filming of what the journey (and Dianne) had meant to me and then the montages and family messages me really killed us both off on it takes two. It really felt like the whole studio had fallen silent, as if everyone can feel this bittersweet ending too and we're handed tissues from all directions. I look up to see a few silent tears in the room which really sets me off. I try to remind myself how stupid my red hair looks to take my mind off it and clutch Dianne tightly, to support her but mostly to calm myself.


We leave the studio psychologically drained, with sore red eyes and snotty noses. I decide to skip the hotel tonight and we go back to my apartment for a bit of cosy comfort. I put the fairy lights on and run us a bath whilst Dianne makes dinner. Trying to relive our normal routines we settle in to watch a film as if we have another few weeks of training left and neither of us mention the final tomorrow. We start the Harry Potter films hoping to get through a few because Dianne had never seen them, but we didn't even end up getting through one in the end because we had to keep pausing it so I could explain what was going on (very frustrating, but I love her). The night passes slowly as we dip in and out of sleep and chatting until natural light returns to the room, and we brace ourselves for the last day.

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