sleep walk

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**todays song is by romantic all in orchestra (ooh lovely), check out sleep walk for this one :) x**


The last week has been a dream, every night I fall asleep to the sound of her steady breaths and every morning I am greeted by her shining brown eyes looking up at me. She's incredible, I can't believe this girl shares my feelings but here we are. I return from my shower in the morning to see her cradled by my hoodie, her hair tied up with one loose strand falling down the side of her cheek. In her hands she's clutching a coffee as she gazes out of the window dreamily- what a sight she is. It's like we had been smiling for days until this one morning when I noticed her focus shift from the window to her phone. 

The faint smile dropped from her face as both of our phones began to blow up. The bloody tabloids. Dianne seemed so panicked, it was just some photos of her leaving my apartment what could be so wrong with that? I mean, they were insinuating a lot but surely that's what we have come to expect from papers like The Sun so I was unsure why she was so freaked, surely if we are serious together people will find out eventually- I mean unless she doesn't think that this is serious. Oh god, I thought we were completely on the same page but what if I had just gotten the wrong idea. Behind closed doors things continue as usual but Dianne gets weird about being seen outside together and things like that, I try to act like I barely notice but inside it's killing me. 


I couldn't help but feel on edge, I can tell Joe is doing everything he can to make me feel safe but there seems to be eyes everywhere- especially with what happened to Katya last week, the press basically blew up her life! Who knows whats going to happen to her Strictly career let alone her personal life. Joe seemed to be trying to be cautious but he lets little things slip like one night he messed up whilst vlogging and said "we will see you at home". He of course corrected himself but I knew he wouldn't edit it out, which made me feel a little tense but I was too scared to hurt his feelings to say anything. I was able to try to carry on (cautiously) as normal until the Friday at Elstree when it suddenly felt like there were so many eyes on Joe and I. Before leaving Joe for pro rehearsals he gave my hand a quick squeeze in the place of a kiss and I couldn't help but smile as headed towards the studio.

Before I could reach the rehearsal studio my throat began to close up, as stood blocking my path was Sarah, one of the shows execs, waiting for me with a stern look on her face. Feeling like a kid being told off in school, the back of my neck began to get very hot as she very pointedly pulled out a copy of my contract and repeatedly tapping the section regarding workplace relationships and how important a woman's "image" is in the ballroom world. I fought back tears, barely able to defend myself, against her harsh words. Is this how people think of me? Someone who can't handle being a teacher? Who can't cope with having a young celebrity partner? Who is just another victim of the media's favourite "strictly curse"? I leave the harsh meeting flooded with anxiety and can barely focus on the choreography for the halloween results show. I float through movements whilst wondering what the crew, producers and even the other dancers must think of me? It was okay when it was just rumours but now there's photos of me staying over at Joe's apartment- I have to talk to him about this and this is going to suck.

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