smile in the face of the devil

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*matt maltese soooooong*


I feel a lot more confident about our relationship and the future we could have, but that doesn't seem to get rid of the feeling of dread I have for our strictly journey ending.

Saturday rolls around and seconds before we start performing our salsa, Dianne whispers softly into my ear from behind me, obscured from view from the audience and crew

'hey, no matter what happens tonight I know you've worked so hard for this and I love you'

I feel these words spread through me like warm honey and in my daze I miss the first beat of the music (shit!). Luckily I'm able to make up for it and Dianne and I perform our hearts out, I think I nearly pulled all the muscles in my face from the expressions I was pulling, I was going for it. 

The dance was a success and I'm enjoying every moment up until we are in the Clauditorium, Dianne was buzzing with excitement beside me but then it suddenly dawns on me that this is probably the end, given that we really aren't in the studio's good books, and my heart drops a little when Claudia mentions the semi finals. But it can hardly ruin this moment when I look to my left to see Dianne exploding with pride and excitement, this is the furthest she's ever made it in the show and I wish I could see her through until the finals, she really deserves it.

I didn't even bother eating any of the pizza laid out for us before the results show because I was fully prepared to face the dance off but somehow, miraculously we make it through to the semi finals?!? I still can't really wrap my head around it but the studio must really appreciate the number of votes we're pulling in (we really owe so much to the fans). Once through Claudia reminds us of Dianne's parents' promise to fly up if we reach the final, which only intensifies my determination to make sure this happens, I know strictly was her dream and I'm not letting the press ruin this for her.


On Monday morning I slip out of rehearsals at lunch whilst Dianne and Trent go to grab food to march down to the offices. I demand to see Sarah which seems to take a lot of people by surprise as they are used to me being my usual polite and bubbly self. After a lot of waiting I am waved through and met by her glaring eyes. I cut straight to the chase reminding her that Dianne and I paired for our chemistry and that we have been careful to not let anything slip in the press. Slowly my anger turned into desperation and I start pleading her not to take anything out on Dianne, promising her I can take all the blame and I can calm down the press after the show. 

Eventually she seems to budge a little which makes my whole body relax with relief.  It seems that the sheer amount of benefits the studios have been receiving from our fans sending gifts, promoting the show and making up over half of the votes have made the execs reconsider their comments (shocker, keeping their pockets full). Not only this but they're willing to allow us to join the strictly tour as a couple as long as we sign some contracts saying nothing happened until after the show and another NDA to protect that.

 I run outside bursting with excitement to call Dianne and tell her the good news. I can hear her tears over the phone and as soon as she arrives to take care of the documents I hold her so tightly, not caring who sees. We get one final warning for our behaviour saying that we should be grateful we even got through to semis.

Fuck them, we're more than their stupid statistics.

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