guitar romantic search adventure

37 1 0

*this song is a bit of an atmospheric one we like by wallows*


I chuckle at Dianne pretending her legs won't move on the way into the studio. It's nice to know that even as a pro she's struggling too, this quickstep is really killing us off, it's SO high energy my calfs feel rock-hard. We both groan on the studio floor, procrastinating warming up and making each other laugh whilst holding our legs up in the air. Despite the fatigue, the quickstep has been going relatively well, and we've been having an amazing time other than a couple of times Dianne had to tell me off (hehe). We also have some pros in this week who will be joining us in Blackpool to give us that special episode feel, and I've been doing all I can to try to keep up. Dianne seems so pleased and all I can do is enjoy her smile and warmth all week.


This week has been so much fun, Joe's really starting to feel like a pro in this dance and I have such a big sense of pride of how hard he's worked and how he's let me teach him all of this. I have to say most of the work put in this week was his own, I caught him many times watching quickstep videos in the evening when he thought I was asleep and his dedication is really paying off.


We head to Blackpool on the train a little earlier than the rest of the cast so we have time to do some wandering around, hand in hand, before the press arrives to monitor our every move. We walked aimlessly from Stanley park, down to the pier and then along the seaside until the sun suddenly started setting and we settled in the pebbles outside our hotel, the wind rushing past our intertwined bodies. The sun started setting and Joe loaded me onto his back to head up to the room to get some sleep before a busy day.


The next morning Joe can barely contain his excitement as much as he tries to hide it, so we head off pretty early to the tower ballroom. He suddenly fell silent in awe and I took his hand to lead him around the almost empty building, his face was so cute, he just kept pausing and smiling at his surroundings in disbelief. I've honestly never met a man like him before and thinking about this makes my heart feel warm.


The day of tech in the tower ballroom was long but I enjoyed every second, even when Dianne and I were just slumped in the audience seats giggling between us or with the other castmates. I just couldn't process how lucky I am to be sat here in the most beautiful ballroom with the most beautiful girl (with my grandmother coming to visit tomorrow too of course love you nana p x). Things seem to go well during our runs but even if I was more worried about this dance I wouldn't be able to notice it beneath this intense euphoria I've been feeling this week.


On the day of the show we have a little (maybe a big) mishap in rehearsal but I don't let it throw me off and I'm able to introduce Dianne to my nana. She seemed to really like her and gave me a cheeky thumbs up and a wink when Dianne turned around as if to say she's a keeper!

We had a little stress over some steps Dianne changed last minute but after an intense hour of runs, we stopped it from ruining this incredible weekend.

In the evening I have the urge to do something special and I pretend we are in a fancy french restaurant as Dianne and I have a makeshift dinner date in catering-I even do a terrible accent and present all of our food with an et voila! - We then enjoy our last few moments of being alone before we head to hair and makeup.


Dancing with Joe in the opening number really opened my eyes to how I feel around him. Dancing with him once the pros have all split up just feels so electric and so right in my body that I start to wish he could be my partner forever, but I have to push the idea of dancing without him out of my mind so I can focus on the routine. He's had the biggest smile on his face all evening I can't help but giggle at his sweetness. His reactions to my costumes were even better, he kept playing with my feathers and twirling my hair with a grin (which was quite out of character because he's usually quite nonchalant in group scenarios). 

We held each other tightly before going on stage, adrenaline coursing through us like a current of anticipation. We step into position as the VT is playing - suddenly the world goes quiet and it's just the two of us. My body uses muscle memory to dance and perform because my consciousness is trapped in his eyes until we finish a perfect routine. His hard work was received by a roaring audience and four very pleased judges, who's comments rush past me in a blur and next thing I know we're awaiting our score.


38... We're joint first! A wave of relief and excitement brushes over me so quickly that I start to get a little overwhelmed and admittedly emotional. I turn to Dianne as I try to hide my watery eyes but notice the tears beginning to fall out of hers. Pride- she seems filled with pride, and suddenly I feel so complete that I could help make her happy, which means more than any score in the world. We quickly run backstage I put my top hat on her head as she wraps her arms around my neck. Finally alone we release our tears, cheers and embraces in private, wishing we could remain in this moment forever.

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