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*todays song is Kongo by Kolinga, it's a fun one give it a go!*


That morning I wake up filled with content, before Dianne has even opened her eyes which rarely happens. I feel weird just watching her sleep like this but find it hard stop, I can't help but take the sight of her sleeping so soundly in. Luckily when she eventually flutters her eyes open she seems happy to do the same, and we spend our lazy Sunday morning in each other's eyes. Little did I know this slow perfect day was the calm before the samba storm.


It's easy to see how frustrated Dianne is with how this dance is going, she does everything she can to help me and I feel bad for being so uncoordinated but this style just isn't working for me. We're able to brush it off outside the studio but I can tell from her dark eyes and her tossing and turning that she's been losing sleep.


I lie in bed, picturing what outcomes could await us after leaving strictly. Even if Joe and I see the season all the way through we're not anything official yet and we both have such packed schedules after filming anyway. I've tried long distance before and it just didn't work, not that I want to compare Joe to past relationships- it's just I'm heading off to Aus for Christmas, then I have back to back tours all year before starting Strictly with a new partner.

The thought makes me a little sad actually, imagining Joe on the revolving door of dance partners I'll have for the rest of my life. Even though this doesn't mean we're not going to see each other, this uncertainty is weighing on my mind so heavily that I can't risk not doing everything I can to get us through to the finals. Bless Joe's heart though, I can really tell he's doing everything he can to get the Samba down even if I'm getting stressed out, and at the same time he still manages to make me crack up with laughter at any given moment.


The week is intense, and Joe is giving this dance all he can to get it right, but it needs a lot of work. Our schedule becomes 9am-10pm and even after filming ITT we head straight back to rehearsals to squeeze in more hours. We begin to get used to not seeing daylight so once making it back to Joe's apartment one night he makes a point of making sure we set aside downtime to enjoy together after training. This idea was so sweet I melted a little, he's doing everything he can to make me happy. He runs us a bath and starts making dinner whilst I lie on the sofa listening to him humming some song I don't recognise. For the first time this week I feel completely relaxed.



To be honest we were both shocked with where we were able to get the dance before Saturday night, even with all the hard work we put in. This didn't mean that I couldn't still mess it up, it is without a doubt the hardest dance we've done yet. The nerves definitely kick in as I miss the drumming cue, but as soon as I see Dianne looking incredible and walking onto stage I suddenly feel steady. 


The dance goes better than hoped, I even make a point of really touching Joe's face as he holds my hips and looks fondly into my eyes, beaming. It feels like a little act of defiance doing this in front of the execs, as we're doing exactly what they want and forbid at the same time. After all we were paired together because of our chemistry so we can't help that! We hold each others' hands tightly throughout the results show, smiling at Sarah in back of the audience.

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