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"Bella... "

Cleo immediately let Elise go when he saw the person who interrupted them. It pained Elise when he did that but she wasn't  the kind of person to dwell on it.

Instead, she focused on her beating heart. She felt like the floor would swallow her whole when she pointed at this person called 'Bella.'

"Y-You know her?" Elise asks Cleo, cursing herself for stuttering. Fear flooded her senses as unpleasant memories flooded her.

What made no sense at all was the fact that even if Cleo and Elise were bonded, it seems that Cleo didn't receive the memories that just flooded in Elise's mind which was weird.

Cleo nodded enthusiastically. It was like their emotional experience a while ago never happened at all. Cleo was all happy and was smiling joyfully with no traces of sadness in his eyes.

It's because you always make him sad. He deserve someone who could make him smile like that.

"Yeah, she saved my family when our house was burning. She charged right in to get everyone out. It was..."

"Magical?" Bella grins and Cleo laughed like he was out of breath.

Like Bella made him absolutely breathless and he doesn't even care if he loses it.

He nodded. "It was unbelievable! Like a knight in shining armour o-or a hero from story books!"

Elise looks at Bella, who was just smiling softly at them. She looks at Elise and smiled enigmatically at her. Bella's eyes looked down at the flowers at the floor and her smile widened more oddly, her eyes giving some sort of glow before looking back at them, the glint in her eyes disappearing.

"Well that's... Uhm... " Elise hesitated, looking wearily at the girl. This person looked like she's a bit older than them. Maybe about fourteen years old.

How could she even save Cleo's family by herself? That's just weird.

Or maybe that's just her.

"Thank you for saving Cleo's family." She said instead, not really knowing what to say to their odd conversation.

"Are you Elise?" Bella asks gently, sensing Elise's suspicion towards her. "I-I'm sorry if I scared you suddenly. I was only getting some lanterns since there's a shed if you walked a little more."

Elise smiled but it was more forcefully. "No, no. It's fine and yes, I'm Elise. And you're Bella."

Bella was beautiful. Her brown hair was shining and long and her eyes were blue jeweled eyes that just wasn't some ocean or sky. It was like a rare jewel found deep in a cave. Her eyes were beautiful and was shining. The sun seemed to be loving her as it was giving her endless of light that that seems to make her glimmer more beautifully.

Bella gasps happily and she immediately grabbed Elise's hands, causing the little girl to feel uncomfortable. "I have heard so much about you! Hugo talks about you a lot!"

"He does?" Elise forced out with a tired smile, not lowering her guard despite the girl's friendly attitude.

Bella then lets go of her hand like it had burned her and she immediately bowed her head. "I-I'm so sorry for holding you without permission... But I couldn't help myself. You're the only person that Hugo talks about with such fondness."

Elise chuckles, shrugging. "I guess I have a fan."

Bella snorted. "He will be so mad if he hears that!"

The little girl chuckled when Bella said that. "I bet he will be but you know him. He's always mad."

Oh, wait, people don't know that other personality of his--

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