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"Miss Isobel... "

Elise gasped as she hugged the woman back while her whole body trembled with pain. Her skin felt like it was on fire, it burns with such intensity that she would've decided to let go of the person responsible for it.

But she couldn't

The woman hugging her felt so safe despite the unbearable pain. As if everything had fallen into place when their skin met and even if the pain had accompanied the hug, Elise couldn't seem to let her go.

It was frustrating and foolish.

"Shhh... " Isobel was gentle. Her voice was soft and understanding and Elise knew then that she would be yearning for it if she were in her right mind.

Isobel's aura was very much like Alice's. It was comforting and gentle. It was very lovely that Elise had not doubt towards the woman nor the husband standing beside her. Yet, it was different from Alice all at the same time. The woman emitted something more soothing to Elise, like the moon had been to her.

"It's normal, my sweetest darling. You will be alright. Thank goodness, I've finally embraced you at last..." Isobel whispered gently to her ear, her voice was as soft as the gentle breeze outside the walls of the mansion.

Elise felt the burning feeling subside, sweat trickled down her forehead as she whimpered sadly. It was painful to say the least. She didn't like the experience.

"W-What... " What was that? What happened? What the hell was that fire burning feeling? How? Why?

She trailed off, seemingly weak to continue on, she placed her forehead on the woman's shoulder, panting heavily like she had run a race.

Isobel answered. Everyone seemed unusually quiet, even the ever-so chatterbox Lucian seem to be keeping his mouth zip shut like an obedient servant.

"The original bond is between you and I, my love, therefore, when I had distanced myself for a while, it had placed quite a strain on you. If I were to be gone for too long, you would have felt much worse."

Elise whined at that.

Elise did not like that. The burning feeling was enough for her. Any more than that and she will just wish to die rather than to experience the raging pain.

Isobel chuckled and carried her in her arms like Elise had weighed nothing but a light touch of a feather.

"Mother!" Kieran's distressed voice made Elise look up suddenly to meet his eyes. "Please be careful. Elise is fragile."

"Yes!" Marielle agreed, looking very concerned. If it were any other day, Elise would've teased them for it but today was not th  day. "She's fragile. Very fragile! Very! Put her down, please!"

Serafino sighed. "Your mother knows what she's doing."

Isobel nodded while suddenly pouting. "Don't say such basic knowledge! I do know that! Plus, I've wanted to hold her for so long, let me hold my baby."

Okay, maybe one teasing.

It was tempting, okay?

Elise snickered weakly and stuck out her tongue at Kieran. "Mama squirrel."

Lucian had the guts to wheeze a snort as he looked at Kieran with a sudden grin plastered on his face.

Alice looked confused though. He looks at his brother questioningly. "Mama what?"

The blond man asked the same time his father did. "A mama what? What is a mama squirrel? That doesn't make sense."

Kieran groaned, shaking his head in disbelief. "I've been betrayed. Again. How does this keeps happening to me?"

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