Twenty Seven

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The storm shook the windows as it howls all throughout the vast lands. Droplets of water loudly pattered at the ground. The coldness seeped through every room of the mansion, only the fire crackling in the fireplace makes up for the comfort of warmth.

(But it's not like they need fire nor they need its light. They light it up only because they want their Elise to be as comfy as possible.)

Serafino had just finished his paperwork, letting out a quiet sigh as he leaned back on his chair while looking up at the ceiling.

His responsibility as the head of this family has always been time consuming that it will always leave him scowling. He was a workaholic before and he'd enjoy the pressure that his work gives but now, he has a family to love.

A little baby called Elise to take care of.

He'd been caged in this room for who knows how long without seeing any ounce of face from his family.  He's always like this whenever he needs to finish something. Always cutting himself off from the world whenever he needs to finish something.

Sighing, he stood up lazily, stretching his tired bones.

He looks at the large windows by his table and grimaced when he saw the storm. The clouds were furiously dark that you would think it's midnight already when it's only about evening.

Serafino's mind wandered off towards his youngest. A small smile began to make its way into his face when he thought about Elise.

Elise who's very smart despite her denies on the claims. Elise who's  very gentle whenever she's caught off guard. Elise who's very fearless and courageous despite the fearsome things surrounding her like a lurking monster.

Elise who lost everything, who went through so much, but could still create this smile that would make you think that she'd grown from a nice family with a dog or cat and some friends you would call true.

Serafino smiled to himself. He decided that he'd kiss Elise goodnight, hoping she's still awake.

Serafino had thought at first that it's too early for Elise to sleep but Kieran keeps a tight leash on her schedule so he couldn't complain much about it.

While Alice keeps her hygiene in check, checking her meals and would always be checking what she reads before letting her read herself.

(Elise had been secretly reading such gore-y historic thing though)

Lucian may be such a childish brat but he's the one who knows Elise best. Knows how to cheer her up, knows what she wants without any words from Elise, knows what makes her sad, what makes her tick.

And Marielle is the one that Elise comes to whenever there's a problem, whenever Elise wants to say something that she doesn't want the boys to know. Marielle is Elise's keeper of secrets.

And he's proud of them for that.

He's very proud at each and every one of his children.

Yes, even Lucian.

Serafino chuckled, shaking his head at his own thoughts.

Deciding that he'd go to Elise to check if there's still time to kiss her goodnight and maybe even play a short quiz on what she read today, he decided to go straight to her room, feeling very joyous at seeing his youngest.

Not even bothering to knock on her door, he opened it slowly, causing it to creak. Loudly. Carefully.

And he knew.

He knew from the moment he opened the door, from the moment he stepped inside, the moment he saw how cold her room felt. He knew that something was wrong.

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