Twenty Four

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"You smell sweet."

Elise had to stop herself from groaning when the boy stood in front of her and was practically bouncing in excitement.

After Alice rubbed Elise's hands aggressively with a wet cloth, mumbling about how wolves have disgusting germs (and Elise just jumped to the conclusion that their guests are werewolves or whatever they name themselves), Marielle had finally come to fetch her brother and was accompanied by the boy whose smile was as bright as the sun despite Alice glaring daggers at the poor boy.

She should probably start calling the boy Hugo since it's his name after all.

Alice had kneeled down before the little girl with a serious expression sculpted on his pretty face. "If this boy do something, you holler."

Elise had rolled her eyes. "I think he'll be the one hollering if he'd done something to me."

"Should I be scared?" Hugo piped in but he was blatantly ignored.

"Yeah, Alice." Marielle backs her up with a small smile on her face. "You know that Elise is not a normal kid."

Elise had given the young woman an offended glare and huffed. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Marielle shurgged. "Nothing." Then she looks at her brother. "Okay, time to go."

Hugo had nodded to himself like someone had already answered his question. "Yes, I should be scared."

Alice whined and the little girl had to sigh  listlessly before kissing the man on the cheek goodbye. Alice's eyes were filled with with so many tears and adoration that he just let Marielle pull him away, Marielle was looking quite jealous as she had just glared at Elise's smug expression without even a word goodbye.

And now there they were, at the couch's library with Hugo standing before her, looking like a child who had too many candy before bed, and Elise, who looked too tired to play hostess with him.

"And why are you sniffing my scent with no decent reason whatsoever?" Elise raised a questioning brow, hoping to intimidate the boy and let him back off. Her book was left unread and unforgotten on her lap as Hugo had started to bombard her with his undying childlike excitement a while ago.

It wasn't annoying, actually. He wasn't annoying. But she already have a reputation of being mean and not willing to back off in the mansion so she just wanted to play a little bit with him. It's amusing how the boy would react since he was so expressive. Like an open book filled with undying surprises. She also wondered if the boy would leave her alone or would he pester her more.

Apparently, it's the latter.

"Because it's sweet." He answers like a fact that just makes sense.

It doesn't.

To Elise, it doesn't.

Would someone even sniff someone so openly just because their scent is sweet? No. It would be considered rude and you'd be considered a creep who had lost their poor screws and the ability to to remember etiquette and manners and you would maybe even be considered a pervert.

Still, Elise had let his answer go with a sigh.

"And what does my scent smell like?"

"Flowers." He answered, closing his eyes like he was imagining a field filled with blooming flowers with different colors under the light of the majestic sun cascading down upon its land.

Elise's lips quirked up in an amused smile. "Flowers?"

He nodded enthusiastically, eyes still closed and he took a deep breathe in before sighing in satisfactory. "Freshly bloomed flowers in spring while being exposed in the beautiful morning light, its smell wafting through the air through the trees and bushes with a cold breeze embracing you like an old friend."

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